“Dinosaur liberal punches downward in microcosm of entire career.”
Doesn’t she have a hip that needs taking care of? Geeze lady you’re on your way out let the next gen take a shot
Gotta get all her “making the world worse” in while there’s still time. Everyone knows the progressives are the real enemy, here.
To her stock portfolio…
The next gen’s shot:
Fucking retire lady. You’re a disgrace to your country.
Every single one of my conservative family members think Nancy Pelosi is evil incarnate.
I wish she’d stop proving them right.
She’s an active drain on Democratic popularity. Yeah, they’ll say any leading Democrat is evil, but she’s out there wheeling and dealing stocks while marrying billionaire scions and doing performative kneeling in kente cloth. Hopefully her accident will encourage her to just retire and fade away, except I don’t believe for a second she’ll ever voluntarily exit the public space.
I’m not partial to either major party, and I have nothing against either, but Nanci Pelosi is an absolute cancer (same goes for Mitch McConnell, but for different reasons). Nonsense like them are why I’m generally in favor of term limits.
Her aids will puppet her corpse like they did with Dianne Feinstein. The aids, who often have as much or even greater power then their boss do not want to have to start over again.
She’s an embodiment of the benality of evil. Just boring evil in a way that provides cover for worse evils.
All we need to do to fix problems like pelosi is institute term limits for all branches, age limits, campaign timeframe restrictions, repeal citizens united, switched to publicly funded campaigns, consider ranked choice voting, standardize primaries, ban corporate lobbying, and abolish the political party duopoly.
Or maybe I’ll just retire abroad after I win the fucking lottery. What a fucking nightmare.
I almost hope all the UFO shit is real, burn it down let’s start over.
Oh, is that all?
Term limits, no. Age limits, yes. The basic run down is term limits sound great but they lead to more corruption because politicians are more dependent on third party help to get elected.
I’m from a rural state, so I get that some don’t want term limits, or the pork spending and leadsership positions would never go to small population congresspeople. But, fuck it. It’s one way to help people and not land make decisions.
That’s not the problem. Hell small populations are easier to propagandize and once legislators are disposable items you’ll need those small populations to reliably vote your party’s way.
The problem is the balance of power between individual politicians, their party, and lobbyists tips seriously into the favor of party and lobbyists. That would be fine in a system like proportional representation, where it’s easier to get rid of a bad party. But not in a district system.
So for all of the criticism that politicians should wear their sponsors on their suits, term limits will make that 100 times worse.
There are many things that would be a good change. In a vacuum, term limits would absolutely be one of them. Like excluding family members from the presidency. You can argue against it, but you’re wrong.
The problem is we don’t live in a vacuum. Humans and organizations are going to react, and we know how they’re going to react because we’ve studied it. Politicians survive on their personal name brand. Term limits obliterate that. If you want to run for Congress you’ll have to submit an application to a major party or be an independently wealthy person, preferably with some kind of family dynasty people recognize.
Once the politicians are completely dependent on party that moves all decision making to the party. That means cookie cutter bills in every state and decisions made in smoke filled rooms by people whose name you’ve never heard. Yeah that happens to some extent now, but with professional politicians that have their own constituency they have the independence to say no. If the employee politician under the term limit system says no they don’t get their next term, they certainly don’t get a crack at higher office, and they don’t get their soft landing after their terms are up.
Long term it gets even worse. Anyone with enough money can play this game, including billionaires like Elon Musk. Are you excited for Elon’s personal legislator? No? Then don’t do term limits.
Anyone with enough money has been playing the game for roughly 250 years. Term limits isn’t a fix by itself, and with other countries purchasing presidents, maybe not the first reform, but it’s on the list, no?
Sure they have, I said as much in my post. But it’s a lot less effective if the guy you gave a massive donation to can now raise money on his own name and get himself re-elected. He’s free to tell you no, no matter how much money you gave his campaign.
That entire calculus changes with term limits.
Yeah, term limits mean that when those rare good ones do come along, there’s a limit to how long they can do good, then you need to go back to the gamble that the next guy isn’t just saying whatever they think will win them the election.
Though that’s assuming a legit good one even could make it to the presidency and won’t just get JFK’d if they won’t be controlled.
I also wouldn’t be surprised if the secret service is as much a means to control the president as it is to protect him, too.
We need wealth limits for government officials too.
Not really sure how you think merely considering a different voting system will change anything.
I’m pretty convinced the DNC is constructed opposition at this point. There’s no way they can be this bad by accident.
Fuck the DNC. I was a company man for the left… But this election and post election period has basically destroyed my image of the DNC. It needs to be destroyed and rebuilt without influence by capitalism. We need a working class first party!
Whoa whoa, the DNC is not the left!
In the sense that your right thumb is left of your right pinky.
We need to get primary turnout way higher in order to replace the party composition. IIRC only like 10% of people vote in the primaries.
It is easier and more rewarding to just be a corrupt, greed-driven monster, than it is to put on a whole theater of opposition when the whole country barely cares about politics at all in the first place. She just wants to trade stocks and go on rum-drunk vacations. It’s not as complicated, I think.
Fair, and probably correct.
I think you’re correct, whenever it’s time for a crucial and meaningful action they cave and let us down. They couldn’t even even explain and cover Trump’s crimes properly in the media. They didn’t explain how tariffs work to the average american, they failed us on so many levels.
deleted by creator
The true face of establishment Democrats, proving yet again that they have no interest in changing anything meaningful, and only exist to act as a bulwark against the progressive tide.
This fascist enabler needs to fuck off from existence. What an infuriating piece of shit.
I hope they tell the old battle axe what she wants to hear, as they know she’s on her way out anyway & they don’t wanna get on the bad side of the inevitable future caucus leader. AOC is too good at this game to risk pissing off over the old biddy’s last hurrah.
But then again, we’re talking corporate Dems - not exactly known for making the smartest moves, are they?
But then again, we’re talking corporate Dems - not exactly known for making the smartest moves, are they?
You’re being overly charitable. They aren’t making mistakes; they’re competently pursuing different goals than they claim to be.
Queen of the neoliberal ghouls herself going after progressives again.
What? She would never! Didn’t you know she’s a card carrying member of the Progressive Caucus in the Democratic Party?
someone find her phylactery already jesus christ why do you still employ the undead?
Her gnarled arthritic fingers, lookin’ like a fistful of fresh ginger, can tap away at her enlarged-button dusty fucker phone all she likes, she should be grateful for every breath she takes that her Apocalypto-era pharynx still accepts nitrogen atoms and spend less time sabotaging one of the maybe 8 people in all of US politics who isn’t an Olympic-level swindler.
How to overstay your welcome…
I wish y’all could be more clear as to how you feel about this.
Yeah, enough with the coy avoidance and press friendly statements! It’s time we take the gloves off and dare to speak up! 😆
Seriously, though, Nancy Pelosi is covert corruption and authoritarianism incarnate and doesn’t care about regular working class people any more than the fascists she claims to oppose do.
Nancy *Plutocracy