Trump just presided over one of the greatest diplomatic disasters in modern history, with flared tempers, raised voices, and shredded protocol.
Never before has a U.S. president bullied and berated an adversary, never mind an ally, in such a public way.
During a tense Oval Office meeting, Trump and JD Vance attacked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, demanding he accept a peace deal with Russia or lose U.S. support.
The conversation devolved into shouting, with Trump accusing Zelenskyy of being ungrateful and “gambling with World War III.”
The meeting ended in chaos, with no agreement reached.
Watching that made my stomach hurt. I’m so embarrassed. Not that I wasn’t before, but Jesus Christ. Every time he opens his mouth, every time I see a new article about the horrendous shit he’s doing, that rage from the election results comes back again. I feel like I have to watch it all, but this is so fucking painful.
I’m just sad that Zelensky needs to keep good relations with the US so that he can still get something from them, because I’m sure that otherwise he would have completely destroyed their arguments there.
This is what happens when Trump doesn’t get his way and he throws his toys out of the pram.
I can’t wait for Trump to die
I’m not American but wouldn’t that mean Vance becomes president? It’s tempting to think he couldn’t be any worse, but trump likes the fucker so who knows? said
I can’t wait for Trump to die
DANGER Will Robinson! we can’t threaten people here, not even oompaloompas.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I’m not a great shot, but at 130m firing from a prone position I would have made that shot 9 times out of 10. Heck, I had my family on the range firing a diemaco c7 (the colt Canada ar15) as part of a family appreciation day in my home guard company. They hadn’t shot more than an air rifle before, and after about three rounds each they shot killing shots at a silhuet at 200m.
How that guy could miss is beyond me. Almost like it was intentional.
Almost like it was intentional.
Yeah. Funny thing, that.
Oh shit. I just got here. I see Lemmy is dangerously woke too. Wishing someone to die is rather nasty. I do agree putting that on tv was stupid, world leaders should do all their negotiating (bickering) behind closed doors.
Not addressing the rest of the comment, but ”world leaders should discuss everything behind closed doors” is a dangerously shortsighted take. You do realize their job is to represent you, right? How do you think you can verify they are doing that if you are not allowed to see and hear what’s being said?
Man life must be so fucking easy for you to never feel threatened by politicians. It’s all just a big TV show in your eyes isn’t it?
I someone blows up a thousand people themselves they are a murderer and its socially acceptable to want them punished. If someone causes thousands of deaths in politics or business we should somehow respect it?
Hoping someone dies is the last thing left after morality is already dead.
I’m not sure what you are stating. I have watched ‘all quiet on the western front’ and remember being sickened by the bigwigs procrastinating over the leave treaty while every second people were dying. Great movie by the way. War fkn sucks.
Then go back to Reddit.
It was put on TV on purpose to make Zelensky look weak and make the US look strong (it’s called propaganda) and so daddy Vlad can see that Trump is a good boy.
I can happily confirm that the woke mind virus is alive and well on Lemmy.
We are woke and bang hot liberal chicks. You are an incel and masturbate to anime and the fantasy of having a tradwife, a fantasy that will never materialize. We are not the same.
His tone is quite different with Kim Jong Un and Putin.
It would be wildly illegal for me to say what I think of, and wish for, both Trump and Vance, but I’m still gonna quietly pray to whoever is listening that it happens.
That was painful to watch. Trump and Vence were pathetic and the end rambling about Biden, laptop, wtf was that? If Kamala did then same they would have taken her by force to a mental institution.
Congrats Never Genocide people posing as Progressives. We fucking warned you that exactly this was going to happen. Trump and his cult would side with Russia and throw Ukraine under the bus.
Great fucking job.
And great fucking job, Mods, for protecting those fucks in the name of civility.
We are the baddies now. And we got here because you’d rather protect Nazis from being punched in the mouth for their words and actions in the name of civility.
Doing God’s work in excusing the DNC’s unwillingness to do what it took to defeat Trump (just like, right now, they’re not doing what it takes to stop him).
For the instinctive ass-kisser it’s never the Royalty who is to blame, always the plebes.
With an “opposition” that doesn’t actually oppose and is ever less representative of the population, Project 2025 was always going to happen, sooner or later, since the trend of the last 2 decades has been ever more of far right populism, propped up by the Democrats’ ever more Rightwing policies and ever less trying to represent the broader population (and repeatedly using “we’re not them” as their entire electoral strategy).
You know what might’ve worked? Not having licked the boots of the Democrat Leadership during the last decade or two.
Now, you’re getting to enjoy the bed you made for yourself.
They really have you all wrapped around their fingers, don’t they? Your democracy is literally on fire around you and the best both ”sides” can do is bicker whose fault it is.
There was never any democracy to begin with if you can’t vote for whoever the fuck you want, without resorting to “lesser evil” strategies.
That’s by design.
Thank fucking God we didn’t vote for Harris because she wouldn’t outright condemn Israel. Totally worth everything happening now (that any remotely educated and reasonable person warned about).
Better to suck Putin’s cock than to have a female president
I kinda feel like the ‘never genocide’ people were always secretly embarrassed trumpsuckers.
But I don’t have a problem with mods giving them the same protections as the rest of us. I think those people are a bunch of wankers but I don’t want Lemmy turning into more of an echo chamber than it already is.
I’m glad we get to see this shameful display. I wouldn’t talk to a dog like that, much less the democratically elected leader of another sovereign nation that’s an ally. The US used to be a beacon of freedom and diplomacy, but clearly we shouldn’t expect that from the current regime.
Europe will keep supporting Ukraine regardless, but it really is in the US’ interests to stay involved in this conflict. It’s disconcerting that Trump can’t seem to grasp that basic fact.
I hope that the rest of the world is taking notes and realizing that they cannot rely on the current US government to uphold its side of any prior agreements (or even the basic tenets of etiquette in civil discourse).
I hope that every country that does most of its trade with the US is quietly looking for new markets.
I hope that Republican isolationism actually comes to pass so that the entire population of the US can feel exactly how painful it will be to cut themselves off from the rest of the world. And then in two years, I hope enough people will get off their asses and vote against the people who let it happen.
The rest of the world certainly is watching.
There’s been pretty much universal condemnation and acknowledgement that the US is no longer the leader of the free world.
It also feels like it was all planned. From his time on TV Trump knows a lot about creating drama. First we have “he’s a dictator”, everyone expects Trump to be against Ukraine. Then in episode 2 there’s a twist - France and Britain show up and Trump is very amenable to give people hope again, and finally it all blows up in a dramatic clash. Trump even tells us “that’s why I let it go on so long… its going to make great television”.
The whole thing was about telling the story that Trump is the strong peace seeking negotiator and it all fell through because zelensky won’t be reasonable and is trying to take advantage of the US who he doesn’t respect.
It’s also just so weak.
Not that macho’ism should be a major point or even desirable trait for a world leader IMO, but so many people like Trump because he’s allegedly strong. Yet when I watch the above clip I just keep thinking “he’s so weak and soft and overly sensitive to essentially everything.” Like how can you want a tough leader, then watch that exchange and think “Trump is tough.” What?
That’s my main takeaway. If you want to appear stronk leedr, this isn’t it. This just makes you seem desperate because your russian money givers are getting impatient.
Trump won’t even say daddy’s name half the time. You can watch him hold back. Amusing.
It’s kinda sad to see your big brother go down like this. We fought together for the last 100 years, and now he’s a shivering meth head.
Don’t worry, we’ll deal with Putin, and then we can deal with your problems before China tries to pull a fast one.
If the Europe had any sense of self respect the US embassies would be closing everywhere right now just like the russian ones.
Trump sucks, I hope Ukraine wins,and I hope Putin is judged by history for his aggression and the general incompetence of his government.
But very few Russian embassies were ever closed, and rightly so. Some were downsized and suspected spies were given the boot. If Europe wants to do that with Americans, yeah smart.
Outright closing embassies would be a massive misstep, completely (edit: unwarranted, I mean) warranted, and miss the entire point of diplomacy.
Have you watched the same video as I did? That’s American diplomacy, why would we need that?
Agreed. Removing the option to talk leads to violence.
What a shit show…
This is the weakness of modern democracies… You, as Putin, can just wait for 4 years and there will maybe be an idiot in power, who.ruins everything done before.
Biden is at fault here too though. He was way too timid in his support for Ukraine, slow rolling aid and self-imposing all kinds of imaginary red lines. For more than two years he acted as if he was going to be president forever, with vapid statements like “we will support Ukraine for as long as it takes”, and didn’t take into account that there was a good chance that the next president would again be a buffoon who would try everything to undo previous policies.
It’s the whole paradox of tolerance, on a slightly different level.
A democratic society cannot allow non-democractic elements such as Trump to use the democratic process. By it’s very nature. People will then say “but it’s democracy, I should be able to choose whatever I want”, yes, except choosing against democracy. Which is by definition not a choice that can be available.
Better chance than maybe when you can use social media to influence the outcome
Good job America! Proud of y’all for once again standing up for your values of oppression and greed.
So true.
The democrats would rather have trump than Bernie.
Yeah, even in this very comments section we have arse-lickers still blaming the plebes for not having supported a DNC Royalty who didn’t even tried to listen to or represent them.
These people have spent the last decades unwaveringly supporting the hard right within the Democratic Party, who couldn’t give a rat’s arse about anybody not in their social circle, and now, to avoid accepting the blame for having supported those who corrupted their party from the inside, are blaming the poor sods on the outside who between two parties entirely dominated by the wealthy elites, never had a real choice.
That was harder to watch than Isis beheadings