Avengers. Any of them, probably.
Honestly, any of the Monty Python movies. I know people love them, and they have a few funny jokes. But man are they ever drab, I just can’t get into them.
Most of action movie franchises, tbh: James Bond, Transformers, Mission: Impossible, Fast and Furious, to name a few
I couldn’t get into any of the LOTR movies. I like fantasy, I like adventure, I like fighting, but those films are boring as hell to me.
Once upon a time in Hollywood.
Closely followed by anything that’s self-jerking Hollywood’s ego. I’m looking at you too La La Land!
Everything Disney did with Star Wars
Rian johnson is a national treasure!!!
Saving Private Ryan.
Absolutely hated it.
I know this is heresy but any Godfather movie, or the Sopranos, or anything that romanticizes the fucking mafia. To me organized crime characters are pieces of shit I can’t admire or relate to. The only movie that ever made me root for gangster types was Pulp Fiction, which is a masterpiece.
Super Mario Bros (1993) - it is just horrible, the only good thing about the movie is that it has a practical Yoshi puppet.
Uwe Boll’s “Alone in the dark”
I rented that movie, and it was so bad that half way through it I turned it off. When I went back to the rental store they offered me my money back.
I said no. Because some lessons have to be painful in order to learn from them.
Avatar. Good Lord what bad acting and visual dynamics will do for a movie.
You mean ‘Pocahontas with blue people’?
I never understood why people liked it so much…
I feel like I’ll wait for the next one to come out then watch both in a row
You mean all three? The second one came out in 2022.
Yeah haha I totally didn’t completely miss that
All the Presidents Men. I can see why its a classic, but every time I try to sit down and watch it, i wake up at the end with the typewriter going.
Gone With The Wind
Eternal Sunshine if a Spotless Mind has such good reviews and people speak fondly of it online. I hated it, just thought both characters were insufferable, and there was nothing remotely romantic about it. Felt like I was trapped in the bad relationship with them.
I thought I was alone with this opinion. There are dozens of us!
If The Sopranos was boring, what you’d get is The Godfather. It’s boring. And it insists upon itself.
I kinda liked your comment, but it insists upon itself.