Thing is everybody’s gramma has a cabinet full of china because it’s mass produced. Just like diamond engagement rings or high school proms people in the mid-20th century made up a tradition of gifting sets of china to young women because of all the fancy dinners every single middle class woman would be hosting throughout her life.
What happened is a bunch of fancy looking plates sat in cupboards in dining rooms for decades while actual meals were eaten off other also mass-produced but slightly cheaper plates that were stored in the kitchen cabinets.
Okay, you have issues. Or are a troll. Or are a troll with issues.
I consider Twitter a dead platform because it is a nazi hellhole and I strongly recommend everyone just stop using it.
At this point though I do genuinely believe Facebook is worse because they’ve had a direct hand in at least one ethnic cleansing during my lifetime. Elon may quack like a duck but Zuckerberg swims, flies and waddles like a duck. I strongly recommend everyone just stops using Facebook and Instagram as well.
BUT ANYWAY, let me ask this: What’s stopping Elon Musk from buying Bluesky, badging it as X2 and doing the whole thing over again? Bluesky is currently a private for-profit company operating mainly on venture capital, just like Twitter was when it was a startup. It’s never going to support itself on its own revenue, that venture capital will eventually run out, there will be an IPO, it will suddenly be open to the whims of shareholders who will demand dark patterns and engagement at all costs and everything that has made the rest of the internet suck and they won’t care if their algorithms boost genocidal messages that erupt in widespread violence as long as their dividends come in.
It’s just a nope from me, and everything you will ever say will further convince me.