Republicans’ efforts to portray Elon Musk as a MAGA martyr are failing, as his victim narrative struggles to resonate with conservative audiences.
Musk’s controversial statements and perceived elitism, including his complaints of being targeted by Democrats, have alienated even right-wing supporters.
Protests and vandalism against Tesla have damaged the brand, and Musk’s ties to Trump have hurt the Trump’s approval ratings, especially on economic issues.
Attempts to rally sympathy for Musk, including his emotional Fox News appearance, have largely backfired.
Ahhh…diddums lose a few billion dollars in notional worth? Are those bad bullies boycotting little Muskie’s terrible cars?
Ahhh… That’s so saaad…
Why would any person want to kill Muskrat? I can’t even think of 10,000 reasons. I certainly don’t think the world would be a better place if he was feeding worms in a shallow grave.
If he would drop his doge bullshit the hate would fade almost overnight even with the Nazi salute shit
Honestly, I’m hoping he just speed runs the McAfee plan. Drop down a k-hole into a paranoid delusion and then do the world a favor at the end
Protests and vandalism against Tesla have damaged the brand
This is the narrative Musk and Republicans want.
The protests and vandalism aren’t hurting his brand.
They’re another consequence of him openly being a fucking Nazi, which is what’s hurting his brand.
It’s not that complicated, but a shit ton of people keep missing the point
“I can excuse some nazism, but vandalism is where I draw the line!”
…you can excuse nazism?
Won’t someone think of the stock market?!
Protests and vandalism are the effects of a shitty brand, not the cause. Musk himself is the cause.
Also “controversial statements and perceived elitism” is doing some heavy lifting…
Hope he never has another moment of peace.
by doubling his intake of ketamine binges, and downing expensive bottles of dom perrignon.
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I don’t want you dead, Elon. I want you to be penniless and without anyone willing to loan you money anymore.
I don’t want you dead, Elon.
Let’s not be hasty, now.
Nah, they’re right. Dead people can’t suffer.
While he certainly deserves to suffer proportional to the suffering he’s causing, top priority is stop him from causing more - if that means he ends up taking a bullet in a manner that renders him incapable of processing what’s happening, I’ll still count that as a good start.
While he certainly deserves to suffer proportional to the suffering he’s causing
Even Abu Gharib would struggle to do that. The scale of influence billionaires have is insane.
Can’t we have both?
I want Squirrel Girl to mob him with 1000s of squirrels, dragging him from wherever he is to the top of the Golden Gate Bridge, then dangle him by whatever nuts he’s got on him.
Then I’ll be happy.
I mean, no amount of torture will ever be proportional to the amount of suffering he’s caused, so, if the opportunity presents to make his death excruciating, then by all means: my point is simply that all that takes the back burner to stopping him from damaging our country/planet.
Stop him at any cost; use him as an opportunity to send a warning to other oligarchs if able.
Personally, I would prefer the squirrels to treat him like roadkill. They can start with his precious nuts and work their way up.
I don’t care if he’s dead or not. I just never want to have to hear that stupid Twitter guy say another word. I’m at the point where a single sentence from him makes me cringe enough to throw my phone across the room. Dead or irrelevant makes no difference to me. Just wish he was gone. Go to Mars already idiot.
Speak for yourself.
I don’t care what happens to him as long as I no longer have to hear about him.
You’ll be heading about him for a long time. I mean Hitler is still taught about today as far as I know.
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Yeah if he’s dead, how will we revel in his failures?
I remember about twenty years or so ago there was a tiny plaque in there parking lot the Soviets built over the fürerbunker. It gave me great calmness to pee there, against the sign
Now it’s a bus stop. So current and future generations are deprived of this simple connection with their anti-fascist ancestors.
I want him to blast off on a self funded one way trip to Mars with his closest friends. Then televise him and friends trying to create a Mars society. It would be better than any reality show produced yet.
What odds are they giving for “shitty rocket accidentally blows up on launch”?
I don’t want him dead. I want him poor enough to need a gofundme when his drug abuse takes its toll.
“All men have an emotion to kill; when they strongly dislike some one they involuntarily wish he was dead. I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction.”
-Clarence Darrow
Always thought that was Mark Twain, but snipes does give Darrow the credit -
Always trust Wesley Snipes. Always.
I want
So help crash his tesla stock so that the bank collects on his loan stock collateral, which will force him to to pay tax, too.
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How many times am I allowed to upvote?
As many times as you want, but make sure its an odd number.
DOGE wants to kill me, by taking away my insulin. I have good reason to want Musk and Trump to be trapped in a burning cyber truck.
That sounds like self-defense to preserve your life.
Would it be more fun televized like George Carling suggested? Naked upsidedown crucifixion? Or catapulted onto a brick wall?
Drawn and quartered, via Tesla vehicles. It is a quiz show where every time Musk fails to answer, one of the vehicles move several feet. These questions, can be about how many people lost their jobs and lives to Musk, and what rules DOGE broke in order to ruin them. Upon 10 questions failed, all the vehicles run free, and Musk becomes a wishbone.
There might be a bear animatronic as the host to this event.
Giant Tesla coil
You could make the mush puddle twitch with a Tesla coil…the imaginary is getting to be too much for me. Maybe we just line them up and kick them in the balls once per evil deed? …56732…56733…56734…
I vote catapult.
Nah. Let the drama queen go out like a drama queen. Make him be the test dummy on the next Starship test flight. We could use more entries on the “Inventors Killed by Their Own Inventions” Wikipedia page.
I recall George didn’t go for that because you would need a lot of prisoners. But I have to agree. We have enough nazis for a few seasons on Netflix…
Okay, for our viewers watching at home, Kollin Johnson, a guy who erased 235 records from the ABC historical collection on Chinese BBQ of the ming dynasty just because he didn’t like the names…place your bets folks! How many teeth, which bucket!..a that’s a nice splat Bob! …ouch! Bob! With our slow mo splat-amera we can clearly see 5 teeth together on a chunk! Right into the blue bucket! And a piece of ear and hair! Folks you don’t see this every day!
“Wahhhh! People I’ve demonized and repeatedly talk down to don’t like me! Just because I’m destroying any positive programs the government has and taking your future safety nets away doesn’t mean we can’t still be friends!”
The people Musk told that empathy was bad don’t have any empathy for Musk?
no but see it’s only bad when it’s not for me. obviously. when it’s for me it’s good.
I forgot about that. It’s poetic.
All Americans worthy of the name want to kill Nazis.
Hold my beer and hand me some ammo
What about a rusty spoon?
The feeling of rust on my salad fingers is almost orgasmic
I don’t want to kill Musk, but I’m not going to shed any tears about anything bad that happens to him or any other racist, fascist piece of shit.
Don’t kill him. Just tax him like they would with a normal working person. That would throw him into a world of sufferung.
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Let’s compromise: Let him pay taxes first, and then treat him as the traitor he is.
fuck the taxes. just seize all his assets. everything ‘he’ owns is now government property, debt-free.
if the banks don’t like it, they can do their part to never let this happen again.
I mean, that’s what a government that existed for the people would have already done. so maybe we should stop relying on a fictional government to save us?
Seize all his assets and put them into funds for universal health care, social security, WIC, etc. Then not to be cruel, provide him with food and shelter like you would any living creature; however to get to the food each day, he has to walk down a street that is lined with people who can jeer, boo, spit and laugh at him (but fenced off so not allowed to do any violence), and daily footage is streamed online for viewing by those unable to attend.
Ah. Execution by suicide. Absolutely lovely. 🥰
again, I think when this stops being worth the entertainment value, it’s okay to put him to the only genuinely pro-social use he’ll ever have in a field somewhere.
If only we used civil asset forfeiture on this traitor.
crash his tesla stock, and he will pay tax on them. Make elon the freeloader of tax payer subsidies pay his taxes.
A traitor to whom? South Africa? He seems to be doing a fine job for his country. More room on the global stage for them with Murca out of the picture.
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Musk stated that his immigration path included “a gray area” regarding his work eligibility in Silicon Valley during his early career.
I don’t even think he has a green card.
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It isn’t just him. The whole oligarchy have understand that the guillotine is being prepared and that they are next.
Then maybe they will pretend to not be assholes, and thus save themselves.
I think he’s done enough damage and stolen enough from the american people that he deserves to hang.
Put him to death for treason and tax his estate at 100% and absorb Space X into NASA.
i mean, he’s already lost $200B net worth. If we keep at it, he will be in the gutter soon enough.
Clarence Darrow wrote: “All men have an emotion to kill; when they strongly dislike some one they involuntarily wish he was dead. I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction.”
If empathy’s a weakness then Karma is a bitch
Empathy, like tolerance, should really be considered a social contract. If he doesn’t have empathy for the less fortunate than him, I have a really hard time having empathy for him.
I wish for him to be reborn as bee, so that when in anger he stings a person, he must remove his stinger himself in a desperate plea to survive or tear his innards out in the ultimate karma that would humble his soul.
Bees are pretty much the angels of the insect world… Harming no-one and nothing, and almost single-handedly holding up the ecosystem of a quarter of the planet’s life forms.
He’s got a long way to go to reach level bee.
Just every day some little misfortune to balance out karma like wet sleeves after washing hands, occasionally stepping into dog crap, marmalade toast falling on the floor upside down, a few paper cuts, stepping onto lego barefoot, mobile phone falling into toilet bowl and so on.
Whoa whoa whoa, wishing death upon someone is one thing, but wanting them to step on a lego barefoot? You’re a monster.
Yeah, I don’t want to do it, but it would be convenient if he did
No, motherfucker. Literally.
And every article I see posted about Elons lame sorry ass further secures the aggressive positions I have taken against TSLA in the stock market.
Suffer, you petulant wealth goblin.
What a whining fucking maggot. Elon and that whole cohort of cowardly cunts are destroying education, Social Security, international relations, food safety, financial security, and any kind of safety net for the tens of millions of people who will fall through the cracks and die because of their greed. Yeah, no fucking shit people want you dead. It’s not out of spite, or jealousy, or political differences. It’s self preservation.
If he were killed, his killer would be more popular than Luigi.
A man should have goals.
Women, too. Never forget: The female of the species is often deadlier than the male.