Are you suggesting statues of liberty migrate?
Are you suggesting statues of liberty migrate?
Um… he helped developed the V rockets program, and only left after the war. So the nazis didn’t really lose him…
Sadly, probably not. That would require some political courage instead of craven avarice and an obsessive aversion to change.
If your business model is predicated on breaking the law then you don’t deserve to exist.
All of Wall Street sweating nervously
I mean, I’d say there’s a qualitative difference between industrial products and a novel, for example.
Apparently part of the treaty that returned the canal to Panama means that either Panama or the US can unilaterally ensure the canal’s neutrality if they feel it is threatened. So I’m sure they could make the argument that it falls under this. It would be bullshit, of course, but so are all of their other arguments.
Well, no… I’m more trying to use those methods to destroy extant governments… is that not okay?
Yeah, I dumped facebook right after the election but unfortunately most of my friends and family are only on WhatsApp.
If depression takes away all your hobby energy, then there’s no hobby to set off warning bells.
What about ancient Egypt without qualifying Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom or New Kingdom? (I just think they’re all neat.)
Maybe the real saddam is the memes we made along the way :P
I was mainly just thinking of how our images of the future are shaped by the present, including our hopes and dreams. Even some solarpunk images I’ve seen created. So I thought it was a nice contrast to such things–a future that is the unhindered functioning of basic biological functions because we live more in harmony with the world around us. I guess I should have maybe added that to the original post, lol.
I like it as an alternative to all the ideas about the “future” that are just the status quo drawn out. This is the kind of future I want to think about when it comes to solarpunk. If this isn’t the right place for something like this, please let me know.
Thank you for your service
But I’m still not allowed to touch my cellphone while behind the wheel because the screen is too distracting, right?
Lancia is as good as dead. They only make (made?) one car, and only in the Italian market, and it was a slightly larger Fiat 500. Stellantis is struggling enough with the brands that are still making cars. I’d be shocked if Lancia comes back.
They keep trying this shit even though it never works. (Like there’s literally no pictures of this actually, totally existent place. But it’s a paradise. Trust me.)
Honestly, given the cult-like obsession of Trump followers, I can’t even imagine a video like that making much of an impact on them. Sadly…