I mentioned that I voted, and they naturally asked me who I voted for. I said, “De la Cruz. Third party.”
“Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that?”, one of them said, and the whole group looked at me a bit puzzled — so I reiterated, “De la Cruz, a third-party candidate.”
“…Wait, there’s a *THIRD* party?”
In other words, you will believe everything and anything about the camps except the material reality that the camps are not fucking closed.
That’s fucking pathetic. That’s a win to you?
AGAIN, you will believe everything and anything except the material reality that Biden handed out more drilling permits than Trump did.
Trying to own it doesn’t make it less obnoxious, you liberal clown.
Once again,
So far your facts have been desperately coated in
about why Biden was so ineffectual and by your own admission that at least 69% of those executive orders from Trump stand.
If you want to keep showing your whole ass, continue. Just lay off on the passive-aggression and the
coating of each and every Biden failure (or deliberate victory for the ruling class, as intended).
If you’re going to complain about your liberal bloviating not being received well while wishing death and suffering on everyone else here, then after that smugly and masturbatorially claiming you’re here to “talk facts for at least a short time” at least pick a lane before you’re banned.
That image didn’t show up and it was surely liberal cringe shit anyway so I don’t want to see it.
Just a clarification, I’m not at all wishing death and suffering on anyone here. I am predicting it for a lot of them that are in the US, if Trump wins, but it’s not at all what I want. Not wanting people to suffer is precisely why I’m talking with you all. It’s not because it’s fun. This creatively backwards reception so everyone can get busy dunking is precisely the kind of big-brain thinking that leaves you all unwelcome in most places even on Lemmy.
It seems there is to be no meeting of the minds. I think I’m okay with that.
You already made it clear that you’re a passive-aggressive coward that loathes people that don’t agree with your copium-loaded dubious “facts” that even as presented make Biden look like the Blue MAGA also-ran he always was.
The bloodthirsty liberal lanyard status quo warriors aren’t inviting Hexbears to the wine cave. What a loss.
You presented nothing of value and nothing we haven’t seen here many times already.
Then get the fuck out.
The only thing I’m predicting that I’m meeting your mind with is an icepick