• PhilipTheBucketA
    4 months ago

    It’s not even a wrong image. The idea that the “best” of our acceptable political class is still doing trade with modern Nazis, that selling weapons that make dead children is smiles and handshakes among everyone allowed anywhere near the corridors of power, is something vital to remember and keep in the perspective. That little girl doesn’t think Kamala’s a great thing for the world.

    Using it as an argument for why it’s okay to release the wheel completely right here when the car is at the cliff’s edge, let it all get 10 times worse, 100 times worse, let the massacre in Gaza spread wild across the land like a brush fire, come at home and spread everywhere abroad, and also murder anything in the fragile system of supposed guard rails in the American system that might be able to put a stop or even slow it down, in the future… that I am less convinced by. It is the “logic” of the coward, the nihilism of the safe, telling theories in their heated home. It is abdication over any control over a system whose stumbling victims would sell their souls for the chance to have a sliver of a shred of influence of, a chance to maybe with sufficient work and sacrifice, someday make it stop.