• Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
    28 days ago

    This is something else that the Republicans have always had an edge on.

    I can’t remember exactly how the saying goes. Something about trying to serve two masters and you end up pleasing neither. Republicans have learned that message. Democrats have not.

    Even before the days of Trump, Republicans have always given one clear, consistent message and you either have to take it all or leave it all. You want the immigration policies? You take all the bigotry and tax cuts for the rich that goes with it. You want religious freedom? Then you take our anti-abortion policies too. If it’s that important to you, then your option is to hold your nose and vote for us. Trump has streamlined the process and put a face to the ideology, but the underlying tactic is the same. One man, one message. Take it or leave it. There is no option B.

    Democrats have never learned that. Think of it. Even when Trump isn’t in office, who is the face of the Republican party? Trump. He will be the face of the party long after he’s dead. And his party’s message will be the same as it’s been for decades: This is what the party is all about. Take it or leave it.

    Who’s the face of the Democrat party? What consistent message have the Democrats ever sent? They try to be a broad umbrella for everybody who isn’t Republican. They have no party leader. No face of the party. No message. They try to please the independents and centrists and end up pissing off the far left, only to try to please the far left and alienate the centrists. It’s the epitome of trying to please two masters and pissing off both. It’s the epitome of “jack of all trades, master of none”. It has always been this way. They have never, ever learned that trying to please everybody just ends up pissing everybody off. They need to learn one thing from the GOP: Find a message, stick with it, and stop trying to be all things to all people. If the people are on your side about an issue that’s that important to them, they’ll hold their nose and accept the rest.

    • grue@lemmy.world
      28 days ago

      They try to please the independents and centrists and end up pissing off the far left, only to try to please the far left and alienate the centrists.

      Only because they pretend the far left are about “woke” social policy stuff and absolutely refuse to even consider left economic policy.

      • kreskin@lemmy.world
        28 days ago

        Ask people what progressives stand for lately and they will say trans rights and wokeness.

        I do wonder if everything on the far left seeming to be about “trans” this and that is an attack by centrists and fascists to portray all of the progressive left’s agenda as being about issues that are critical to only 1% of the population.

        Are trans issues Important? Yes. But are trans rights issues the most critical issues of our time?
        No. Not even close. Trans rights doesnt rise to importance over class struggles affecting all of us or state sanctioned mass murder in Gaza.

        Are they more important than … school vouchers, school lunches, and oil drilling issues? yes.

        Are they more important than gun violence in schools?
        I’d argue no.

        Womens reproductive care rights?
        Fuck No.

        I think the progessives have been trapped by cleverly malign marketing tricks, many of which are from our own dem coalition partners. Centrist bad actions within the DNC to limit progressive influence needs to be reckoned with.