Found this post on IG and I’m wondering what this community’s stance is. With winter now officially here*, I think it’s a valid question.
Edit: *where I live
Found this post on IG and I’m wondering what this community’s stance is. With winter now officially here*, I think it’s a valid question.
Edit: *where I live
Wouldn’t anything that didn’t evolve to deal with Antarctica’s brutal climate just immediately die?
With the number of species that live on a stick, you could get unlucky and transport one which would randomly happen to have traits good for thriving in Antartica.
I agree, but don’t humans carry the even more microbial live than sticks? And what about birds and seals? I am guessing there is quite a lot of exchange of microbes between Antarctica and the other continents.
Yea, you’re right, and I don’t have any counter point. I don’t know what the experts think about this.
Life will…uhh… find a way.