He’s a fascist.
He literally cannot make it much more obvious.
He’s a fascist.
He literally cannot make it much more obvious.
Actually that’s overspecifying. It’s just Honolulu and Albany, in two directions each.
Miami, Honolulu, Albany.
Lower 48? San Francisco.
The great sand croissant.
Having lived somewhere with constant tourists… I get it.
Forever establishing American expectations when traveling overseas.
Australia feels like a small country stretched around the perimeter of a genuinely impressive quantity of absolutely nothing.
He’s an authoritarian bigot responsible for a failed coup.
Anyone not using the F-word is either cowering in fear or polishing their boots.
Irreconcilable differences.
Maybe don’t put the fascist slogan in the headline.
Some of that is for shooting. Like on The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air, Uncle Phil can definitely afford a house that big, but its layout is bizarre. The downstairs is dominated by a living room and kitchen in a sort of L shape that does not match any exterior shot and is a frankly mediocre use of space. It’s because there’s three cameras roving around where half the walls should be. And a live studio audience! They have to see and hear what’s going on, or else it might as well be a laugh track.
Basically - it’s a stage. It’s not a set. You’re watching a briskly-edited play, with an unusually high sense of verisimilitude. So yes, if you map out Jerry Seinfeld’s apartment, it’s deep and spacious and maybe doesn’t connect to the hallway right. But that’s just to give the actors somewhere to move. On-camera, it looks compressed, with very little of that floor space visible, and the back office simply left as a hand-wave for whatever you think is missing.
Protip: don’t make this the only way people can tell you to leave them alone.
Monkeys aren’t turkeys! Quit messing with my head!
I think that’s a Jordan Peele movie.
A takeover by Chinese venture capitalists is not about to improve anything.
Everyone who is “old” is a boomer now.
And “millennial” just means “child.” People born in 1990 have sneered the word at 12-year-olds with zero self-recognition.
Nothing good is allowed to happen ever again.
Unlike your dry and measured assessment.