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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • j4k3@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlBest universities for women?
    2 days ago

    I’d be looking more at interests and leaders in those interests if possible. Red States don’t do much leading in anything relevant. It sucks to be looking at what one’s life interests might be like at such a young age.

    Personally, I’d be looking at who is closest to TSMC, Intel, Samsung, etc., and focus on getting into schools and programs that lead to semiconductor fabs. There is a lot of money and investment in that space.

  • Dry with pickled onions and some chicken.

    I absolutely hate salads, but that is what I ate 5 days a week when I worked for a chain of bike shops. It’s how I lost my last bit of weight to get under 7% back when I was racing. Going from 350lbs to 220lbs wasn’t super hard while just commuting to work, and training/racing casually. Going from 220lbs to under 190lbs was super hard for me. Eating something I could barely tolerate meant I only ate what I absolutely needed because I was freaking starving… So, to me, while I hate salads, if I’m eating one, it is for a specific reason, and if I’m objective about that reason, I’m going to fit my opinion to what best meets those goals. Therefore, my favorite salad is the one I can only barely tolerate and will eat, but only as much as I absolutely must. Like seriously, I brought my lunch into my office and would eat a few bites over the course of hours. That too is a major aspect of real weight loss. How much you eat at any given point in time is very important.

  • Go kill 346 people in a careless and culpable way. See if you stay off of death row.

    The only way to stop a problem like this is from the top down. If the issue is traced to some low level employees, great, put everyone from the board members all the way down to these low level employees on trial as a whole. This kind of thing is a culture from the top down.

    Boeing should be dismantled or nationalized and completely restructured with none of its present management.

  • j4k3@lemmy.worldtoGreentext@sh.itjust.worksAnon doesn't like simps
    7 days ago

    Misdirection. The problem is the lack of public commons culture and gathering points in the USA. More sane countries have places people gather in the evenings without exploitation or stigma about showing up alone. Our car centric nonsense and sprawl are a massive liability for present environmental and social needs.

  • Try not to think like this. Over the last 10 years, between reddit in the past, and here now, I’ve had to use these places as my only external form of human social contact because of disability issues. I’ve noticed certain patterns emerge with the seasons. These places are largely dominated by certain regions of the world. When those regions go through seasons where the majority of people are doing things elsewhere, the comment and interaction quality decline noticeably. I’ve learned to not take it personally and I turn to other outlets to spend more of my time. This is when I do most of my gaming and reading. I’ve finished all of the primary Dune series and most of Asimov’s main series from Robots through Galactic and Foundation. Most recently, someone suggested the FOSS game Cataclysm Darker Days Ahead. While the theme is absolutely counterproductive for me, the game’s complexity and particularly the documentation of the source code and mods is absolutely fascinating to me. I’ve been exploring JSON tools when it comes to stuff with AI, and the game is like a guided masters class in functional use and tools that use JSON.

    Many people seem to think I’m an asshole or a “bad person” but most simply can’t understand my needs and interests. I never knew what disability was really like and its challenges prior to the day I got hit by a car. I probably had a stupid attitude and said stupid things that made people feel bad in my exact position now. I can’t blame others for their ignorance when condemning them is condemning myself.

    Personalities and functional thought are far more varied in humans than most of us realize in practice. I’ve explored this a whole lot over the last year with AI where it can simulate other contrasting perspectives in very complex ways while answering some really complex questions with relevant sources to back them up. This kind of personality analysis is a major aspect of what LLM’s are designed to understand. The more I’ve explored this topic, the more I have come to realize the binary approach to anything like a good and bad label for a human is completely inadequate. The cause and effect have no simple connections. Most of a person’s “bad” behavior is likely related to cognitive dissonance. If you look up what that really means, it is due to some level of conflict in a person’s life that they are unable to address or have limited/emerging self awareness. If you are noticing such behavior that could be related to cognitive dissonance, work to address the probable causes of underlying conflict in your life if you’d like to address the issue.

    My personal primary conflict is social isolation. That is what I am here to address. I don’t use corporate social media because I’m an outlier of their marketing and exploitation designs where they are unable to accommodate my needs. The inconsistencies of this place are not healthy for me, and it can have a very real impact on my life, but over time I’ve tried to pick up on the patterns and withdraw when I need to do so. Anything that shakes up or makes me question the underlying stability of a place like this is the most deeply disturbing to me. I’m also aware that there is a substantial misdirection campaign that happens with all major elections now. Anyone posting or commenting on such subjects are highly suspect to me. I look at their account activities and ignore or block them if they do not show a wide spectrum of activity and complexity. One day it will become public knowledge that conservative asshats have no morality whatsoever, never have, and are paying thousands of people to post, comment, and write bots to maintain their criminal activities and control. Their presence is completely disproportionate to the population and interests the government represents. When those subhuman jackasses could no longer enslave people outright, they simply shift their focus to redefine slavery to put everyone in their chains. Anyone commenting some shitty nonsense with an account that has little history or a lot of history with no depth is some unethical criminal being paid to do so, is not worth my time or thought, and is absolutely the reason I was right in the first place. Look up the Plutonic definition of sophism and keep in mind that there are some people with a love for their own sadism. These places online are full of people that can be fucked with and there are many that love to take advantage of those that are here for their real human needs. Do not hesitate to disregard anyone that evokes a negative emotion to a well intended comment.

  • All their hardware documentation is locked under NDA nothing is publicly available about the hardware at the hardware registers level.

    For instance, the base Android system AOSP is designed to use Linux kernels that are prepackaged by Google. These kernels are well documented specifically for manufacturers to add their hardware support binary modules at the last possible moment in binary form. These modules are what makes the specific hardware work. No one can update the kernel on the device without the source code for these modules. As the software ecosystem evolves, the ancient orphaned kernel creates more and more problems. This is the only reason you must buy new devices constantly. If the hardware remained undocumented publicly while just the source code for modules present on the device was merged with the kernel, the device would be supported for decades. If the hardware was documented publicly, we would write our own driver modules and have a device that is supported for decades.

    This system is about like selling you a car that can only use gas that was refined prior to your purchase of the vehicle. That would be the same level of hardware theft.

    The primary reason governments won’t care or make effective laws against orphaned kernels is because the bleeding edge chip foundries are the primary driver of the present economy. This is the most expensive commercial endeavor in all of human history. It is largely funded by these devices and the depreciation scheme.

    That is both sides of the coin, but it is done by stealing ownership from you. Individual autonomy is our most expensive resource. It can only be bought with blood and revolutions. This is the primary driver of the dystopian neofeudalism of the present world. It is the catalyst that fed the sharks that have privateered (legal piracy) healthcare, home ownership, work-life balance, and democracy. It is the spark of a new wave of authoritarianism.

    Before the Google “free” internet (ownership over your digital person to exploit and manipulate), all x86 systems were fully documented publicly. The primary reason AMD exists is because we (the people) were so distrusting over these corporations stealing and manipulating that governments, militaries, and large corporations required second sourcing of chips before purchasing with public funds. We knew that products as a service - is a criminal extortion scam, way back then. AMD was the second source for Intel and produced the x86 chips under license. It was only after that when they recreated an instructions compatible alternative from scratch. There was a big legal case where Intel tried to claim copyright over their instruction set, but they lost. This created AMD. Since 2012, both Intel and AMD have proprietary code. This is primarily because the original 8086 patents expired. Most of the hardware could be produced anywhere after that. In practice there are only Intel, TSMC, and Samsung on bleeding edge fab nodes. Bleeding edge is all that matters. The price is extraordinary to bring one online. The tech it requires is only made once for a short while. The cutting edge devices are what pays for the enormous investment, but once the fab is paid for, the cost to continue running one is relatively low. The number of fabs within a node is carefully decided to try and accommodate trailing edge node demand. No new trailing edge nodes are viable to reproduce. There is no store to buy fab node hardware. As soon as all of a node’s hardware is built by ASML, they start building the next node.

    But if x86 has proprietary, why is it different than Qualcomm/Broadcom - no one asked. The proprietary parts are of some concern. There is an entire undocumented operating system running in the background of your hardware. That’s the most concerning. The primary thing that is proprietary is the microcode. This is basically the power cycling phase of the chip, like the order that things are given power, and the instruction set that is available. Like how there are not actual chips designed for most consumer hardware. The dies are classed by quality and functionality and sorted to create the various products we see. Your slower speed laptop chip might be the same as a desktop variant that didn’t perform at the required speed, power is connected differently, and it becomes a laptop chip.

    When it comes to trending hardware, never fall for the Apple trap. They design nice stuff, but on the back end, Apple always uses junky hardware, and excellent in house software to make up the performance gap. They are a hype machine. The only architecture that Apple has used and hasn’t abandoned because it went defunct is x86. They used MOS in the beginning. The 6502 was absolute trash compared to the other available processors. It used a pipeline trick to hack twice the actual clock speed because they couldn’t fab competitive quality chips. They were just dirt cheap compared to the competition. Then it was Motorola. Then Power PC. All of these are now irrelevant. The British group that started Acorn sold the company right after RISC-V passed the major hurtle of getting past Berkeley’s ownership grasp. It is a slow moving train, like all hardware, but ARM’s days are numbered. RISC-V does the same fundamental thing without the royalty. There is a ton of hype because ARM is cheap and everyone is trying to grab the last treasure chests they can off the slow sinking ship. In 10 years it will be dead in all but old legacy device applications. RISC-V is not a guarantee of a less proprietary hardware future, but ARM is one of the primary cornerstones blocking end user ownership. They are enablers for thieves; the ones opening your front door to let the others inside. Even the beloved raspberry pi is a proprietary market manipulation and control scheme. It is not actually open source at the registers level and it is priced to prevent the scale viability of a truly open source and documented alternative. The chips are from a failed cable TV tuner box, and they are only made in a trailing edge fab when the fab has no other paid work. They are barely above cost and a tax write off, thus the “foundation” and dot org despite selling commercial products.

  • The Lemmy algorithm:


    The instances communicate between each other using special bots in the background that transport info between instances. Dot world is too big and makes too many requests to other instances. Most instances are reducing the number of transport bots back to dot world right now. There is supposed to be a fix in the next Lemmy version, but the code base is somewhat slow moving due to only two devs and it is written in Rust. Rust is a hard language like C, and not too many here are able to contribute to it, even though it is like the new gold standard of code.

    So you might see a delay between posting and replies or the interaction may come in bursts that correspond with the transport bots carrying content between instances as the host admin have configured their instance.