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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • No one said armor prevents any damage at all,
    You’re pulling that out of your ass. In fact other posts in this thread are talking about how even without penetration, the distributed force from armor stopping a bullet could still be fatal for a 70+ year old.

    Back on the actual topic, Hacksmith made a bespoke suit that could stop small arms with publicly accessible materials for $100k. And all of their testing was at pretty close range.

    It is not infeasible for a former President and current candidate’s suit used during outdoor public events like this to have some sort of material to mitigate embedded in it, even if it isn’t obviously won’t provide the same protection as full armor. Every little bit helps.

  • Not quite, you’re ignoring the role of the armorer on set in your metaphor.

    If you just picked up your car from the mechanic after they were expected to check everything, including the brakes, and the brakes then fail causing you to crash and kill someone… Is it manslaughter? And if so, who is at fault?

    You were driving the vehicle, but you would obviously expect the brakes to be in working order since they were supposedly checked immediately before you started driving. The driver would almost certainly not be charged in that case, but the mechanic on the other hand would clearly be negligent, directly leading to the death.

  • Exactly, what are they going to do that’s new? Take more territory? They would have already if they could. Target civilians? They’re already doing that. Use banned weapons? They’re already using various chemical agents and white phosphorous, so nothing new there.

    The only real escalation they have left is nuclear, and that would 100% result in countries retaliating with their own, ending us all. Besides, then they’re still just left with more irradiated land than they already have, there’s no benefit.

    Are they trying to claim they’d be capable of maintaining a war with multiple fronts if other countries openly join in retaliation? Because if they had more military in reserve, they’d surely be sending it to Ukraine to end this “2 week conflict” as quickly as possible.

  • The Dem chance at a clean change from Biden to a younger option was last year, not 4 months prior, at least not with how the antiquated US election system works. Changing it now is fucking stupid, the table has been set. People are calling to flip the table because somehow they’re just now realizing that old people are old. This is what the Dem leadership has created, and regardless of their second guessing now it’s what we need to live with.

    Just another in a long running series of stupid decisions by Dem leadership over the last 30 years, always shooting themselves in the foot and assuming people will still vote for them. With middling success every time, yet never learning anything because the same old fucks are still running it all somehow.

  • I don’t see an issue with this, despite how this and other articles are trying to frame this. I’d be more upset if a national labor union wasn’t trying to talk to all political parties and officials. That’s literally their entire purpose, to act as a voice for their members to employers and politicians. Sticking their head in the sand because a party historically hasn’t been helpful doesn’t do anything. Trying to maintain an open dialog despite that history to try and change things is what they should be doing.

    Trump historically has been anti-labor, and likely ain’t going to change, but that doesn’t mean you ignore the politician or the party entirely. Or even try to provoke them like some people seem to be advocating they do. That’s just a stupid idea that creates irrational enemies you can’t even talk to anymore, and that’s the last thing you want when trying to lobby for your members.

    The Teamsters asked to speak at both conventions, the DNC still hasn’t responded. If anything, this says more about the DNC than many people seem to realize to be honest. Yet again they seem to be assuming certain groups will fall in line behind them just because they’re the only other option. Ignoring things like voter apathy and that there’s a decent chunk of people that only vote out of spite rather than for what they want, and blatantly ignoring their needs means turning a potential undecided or non-voter voters against them instead.

    If we’ve learned anything over these last few years, it’s that people are angry and will also vote against their own interests, even in the face of overwhelming evidence. We can’t rely on logic and/or historical results or precedent to predict the future anymore. The old ways simply don’t apply like they used to, that’s been evident in so many polls being wildly inaccurate to election outcomes the last few elections.

  • Surprise surprise, an industry doesn’t work like people assume it does. This applies to literally everything, everyday in society. Yet society keeps on rolling along because they are done this way for a reason. Nothing is new anymore, things work the way they do because that’s how it works best. That is until the media intentionally makes a mountain out of a mole hill for ratings, and thus advertising revenue. And the current makeup of the government is a veritable golden goose for media companies. Constant scandal and bullshit being thrown around all the time with modern communication means a constant source of revenue.

    Congressional partisanship has fucked this country up, and it’s not new it dates back to the late 1800s and turn of the century. They limited the House of Representatives artificially to 435 members back in 1911. It has not been truly representative of the populace since then with districts in different states varying by millions of people from one end of the spectrum to the other since some states are so sparsely populated. The purpose of the House is to represent the size of each State. The Senate represents each equally. The House has been hamstring to be a weird fucked up version of both with this limitation.

    The Supreme Court should be increased to 13 seats, matching the 13 federal circuits, with each Justice overseeing a circuit, as designed. At its height, the court had 10 seats in 1863. A Republican controlled Congress in 1866 began fucking with the court due to partisanship to try to limit the power of Democrat Andrew Johnson, reducing the court to 7 members, and after he left they increased it again to the current limit of 9 in 1869 allowing Ulysses S. Grant to appoint two new justices.

    FDR wanted to increase the court size in 1937, appointing new judges as incumbent ones reached the age of 70, up to a maximum bench of 15, but that was rejected by Congress. So we’re at the point now where the US has one of the smallest Supreme Courts in the world, with scholars saying it cannot possibly represent a country the size of the US adequately, and we haven’t updated it since 1869 due to political squabbling. The larger the court, the less power any individual justice has, reducing or removing the “swing justice” problem we’ve dealt with for over a century now.

    And while we’re at it, get rid of the first past the post system, designed during a time where only white landowners could vote, and were expected to keep up with politics as a result of their abundance of daily time not slaving away with the menial jobs, and travel took weeks across the states to deliver news and ballots. It’s a system of its time, but it inherently creates a two party system, which puts people into an us vs them train of thought, which isn’t how the world works. We have the ability to do ranked choice voting, it works great in countries that have implemented it. Hell, it has even been implemented in some local and state elections in the US already. The parties themselves don’t have to go away, but there needs to be more than two viable options, and that means changing how the choices are made.

  • Or… Not? And we accept the DNC fucked the election by not insisting Biden stay out of it last year due to age.

    But that would require the octogenarians admitting they shouldn’t be running the country still and need to pass it on to younger generations. Instead they’re ostriches sticking their head in the sand and attacking anyone that even attempts to get close to suggest it.

    This is what we have. A shit old choice, or the total end of Democracy in the US. It’s not a hard decision, just the worst two option choice we’ve had in history, brought about by the party’s inability to admit we need to transition away from the two party system, something the founding fathers specifically wanted against.

  • You assume the general populace can recognize intent in writing, and differentiate between things like comedy, satire, and factual statements when they aren’t explicitly declared in context.

    The fact there is currently so much successful propaganda spread worldwide through traditional media that we’re seeing a large resurgence of extreme nationalism, xenophobia, and Nazism again, along with a current very public genocide with a ton of public support, proves that to be factually incorrect. The average person is fucking stupid.