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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 12th, 2024


  • Hillary won the primary by orchestrating the other candidates to drop out and unite behind her, when it showed Bernie was starting to win. Exercising her dynasty power (since we are talking about heirs) to pressure the delegates into a swift pro establishment decision.

    Clinton is a far right war hawk by other countries standard and still a war hawk by US standards.

    Also it is not something new to the US system, that the popular vote is not the all deciding factor, so blaming it on the voting system, especially after 8 years of Dem presidency and before that 8 years of Hillary god damn husband being president in the 90s is laughable.

    Biden administration gives us four years of progressive policy and we can’t wait to hate it.

    Record deportations, building Trumps wall, funding genocide in Gaza… Meanwhile not enacting any change to protect the US political system from Trump, after January 6 and just glossing over it as some singular event never to happen again, instead of understanding it as a clear sign of deep systematic issues that need urgent addressing.

    You and i have very different understandings of what is progressive.

  • I had none of these issues and i don’t know what you are talking about.

    If you install programs through your package manager they come with a start-menu entry just as easily findable as in Windows. If you don’t install programs with an installer in Windows you get the same problem.

    Also mounting HDDs made its content accessible to all my programs so far, without any issue. I think you must have chosen extremely obscure distros or fucked things up by yourself during install processes.

  • It is an enemy of the world. With all its imperfections the UN with the ICJ and ICC were the best development we had towards a rule based international order, where diplomacy and cooperation could be a counterbalance to barbarism and the rule of the jungle.

    Now Israel is making it abundantly clear, that all of this is worthless, while dragging the West down morally and ethically and on top of all of this actively attacking those institutions.

    Israel wants the world to devolve into barbarism and the US, Germany, UK and other supporters are actively cheering it on with their actions, while providing transparent words of “hmm. we need peace and stuff.” while delivering even more weapons and preventing yet another diplomatic solution.

  • Ahh yeah? Like the international pressure against the ethnic cleansing and annexation of the Westbank before October 7? Like the international pressure after the murder of Shireen Abu Akleh? Like the international pressure when Israeli soldiers were openly praising their counts of murdered children during the peaceful march of return protests?

    You think the countries that were fine with all of this and continued to be fine with the destruction of all of Gaza, the deliberate starvation and displacement of two million people and the genocidial murder of over 40.000 of which more than 17.000 are children would somehow start having a problem with that, when Israel got back the remaining 100 hostages?

    You know this is bullshit and you are lying in order to justify more of the things described by distracting from them with bullshit tropes.

  • How to say that you have no idea about Abrahamic religions without saying that you have no idea about Abrahamic religions.

    The Bronze Age ended around 1200 BC. 1200 Before Christ. Most of the prophets of the Torah are estimated to have lived around 1000 BC up until Jesus was born. Mohammed s.a.s. lived in the 7th century AD.

    Also if your argument is that something originating in the bronze age is bad, i recommend you to stop using metal tools, eat bread and cultivated fruits. Obviously no beer and while you are at it reject math, astronomy and most of architecture. All stuff originating in the Bronze Age.