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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 28th, 2024


  • This is further proof that for every statement made, no matter how whimsical, there exists at least one person online who will tell you that you’re wrong.

    -The Earth revolves around the sun.
    -Ackchyually, they all revolve around the galactic center…

    -Godzilla floats by increasing his volume.
    -Ackchyualllllly, his volume doesn’t increase because lungs are on the outside… (Wtf?!)

    -Cotton candy is my favorite fair food.
    -Ackkkkkkchyualllllllllly, my review of the last three years of your comment history proves your favorite fair food is not, in fact, cotton candy. I have gathered and will prove this with ten points. Point one: your childhood experience with Geoffrey the Giraffe suggests…