Hello brother
Hello brother
Middle out! Middle out!
Who are you? How did you get in here?‽
I’m a locksmith…. And I’m a locksmith
I read the books and lined them up The show deviates from the books and should be considered “inspired by” That said, the show is made by people who also truly loved the books and characters, and they did a great job making an adaptation
There’s a nice statue of him across from the White House, right near the church where Trump held the Bible upside down. I walk past that statue almost every day and have a smile
Years back I saw Dessa open for another show. Fell in love with Skeleton Key
She also has a favorite box
I’m absolutely stealing that
High King Margot is a great answer
For me, I thought of Linda Carter’s Wonder Woman and then Captain Rachel Garrett, commander of the USS Enterprise, 1701-C