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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • With perks like that who needs donors and TV ad time? This isn’t the 80s. Elections aren’t won on television ads.

    No, but they are still very much won with money. Advertising of various forms (TV, radio, Internet, billboards, yard signs, T-shirts, the list goes on), local outreach, field offices, door to door campaigners, booths at events, social media, and countless more. All of it is driven by money.

    Citizens United fucked every election since. It exclusively dealt with campaign finance.

  • While I agree with you about swing voters, there is a very large number of potential non-voters, sometimes known as the enthusiasm gap. People that believe that both options are the same, or that neither will affect their lives very much. There’s also the ones that think Trump can’t get re-elected, which of course is part of how he got there in the first place.

    There aren’t a lot of people excited to vote Biden. But we’ll do it anyway, because we really don’t want to see more Trump. If I didn’t see Trump as a threat to democracy itself, I could understand people not voting at all.

  • The incumbent advantage really doesn’t apply if it’s not who was elected in the first place. The only real advantage would be having a (short) record to run on. Even that assumes that (1) she would have one worth promoting, and (2) that people would care.

    The bigger concern is that Harris really, REALLY is not popular. It would take a long time to convince people otherwise, if it could even be done. Hillary spent decades trying to build her image, including a full election cycle in earnest, and failed so miserably that we ended up with Trump.

  • “Let’s imagine: It’s time to elect a world leader, and your vote counts. Which would you choose:

    “Candidate A: Associates with ward healers and consults with astrologists; has had two mistresses; chain-smokes and drinks eight to ten martinis a day.

    “Candidate B: Was kicked out of office twice; sleeps until noon; used opium in college; drinks a quart of brandy every evening.

    “Candidate C: Is a decorated war hero, a vegetarian, doesn’t smoke, drinks an occasional beer, and has had no illicit love affairs.

    “Which of these candidates is your choice? You don’t really need any more information, do you? Candidate A is Franklin Roosevelt. Candidate B is Winston Churchill. Candidate C is Adolf Hitler.”

    Biased and selective comparisons can prove anything.