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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I’ve been gently pushing for the same message but at best hear people say “oh it’s just politics, and we have laws against all this so it will be years before anything can truely change”

    Hitler’s power was solidified in a matter of months, whereby he threatened and/or had his political opposition killed. Then he came with the excuse “I don’t believe my people did this”

    No one dared say any of it was against the laws, he was fully above the law and shielded anyone he felt worthy of the same, ofcourse he would have them dissappear when their use ran out…

  • I have hope democracy prevails… But also a big feeling that the republicans have all their pawns lined up for a perfect storm this time (and half of them are still hidden), allowing them to be able to semi legally brush the election results aside. They had 6+ years to prepare…

    Only a true landslide of blue votes might be able to give some of them pause, a small difference would be ignored and decided upon faster than Gore vs Bush.

    Trump will declare a win regardless of the outcome.

  • Trump could now argue he, as sitting president, was threatened in his functioning by the new president elect, and it was an official act to block the transfer of power as long as the sitting president has concerns about the validity of the votes. (Ofcourse he always has those concerns)

    And now with the coming elections he will claim the same and as a bonus he officially and in the open has the republicans refuse to certify a losing vote because that also threatens his position and impedes his functioning.

    If the lower courts now claim his acts were not official he will just appeal that back to the Supreme Court, thereby still delaying any closure of the case well after the elections.

  • Yes this sounds like a very convoluted way to go about things, but I am not sure if it was the actual verdict that is so badly constructed that it demands this or that Google gives itself and everyone else a lot of unnecessary pain.

    Samsung also does auto updates etc and co-exists with the play store on samsung phones (granted, it lives within their android skin), even updates some Google play store (installed) apps, so I am not sure what or where the issue is/lies.

    But now Google wants app stores within app stores within app stores as a solution?