• anon6789@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I was originally planning to start the 2nd annual SuperbOwl Owl of the Year event on Election Day, and I’m glad I decided not to do that!

    I started it on Saturday instead to give people time to cool off a bit, and one the plus side, I’ve seen a few users I haven’t heard from in a while chime in again, but the initial response has gotten almost 10% downvotes, which I find pretty shocking. It was a big success last year and really raised the sub numbers, and even if you dont care about the “competition” you still get the same pics you would anyway.

    A bit disappointed overall due to having dipped about 20 places on the active community list. I feel likes are still trending downward, and comments were feeling lower as well. I’m hoping it’s just election stress taking up everyone’s energy for social media and we’ll bounce back soon. I still try to be a place people can come for a smile, so it’s a bit sad if people aren’t doing that.