That’s a good point. I haven’t browsed 4chan since way before they had any LGBT community/rep visible on it, I don’t know what kind of convoluted views they have. Let me guess, some of them unironcally identify as “agp” don’t they?
i have spent and still spend lots of time in these places and yes, they do. they desperately want to be hsts and hate themselves for being agp and not being trutrans enough. lots of reppers too (trans people that know they’re trans but repress it out of self hatred). there’s lots of lore
AGP = autogynophilia: the idea that a person is a trans woman due to a sexual interest in having a vagina
HSTS = Homosexual Transexual: the idea that a person is a trans woman due to being a homosexual male, in other words that they are transitioning in order to have sex with straight men
Trutrans sounds like it just means “valid” as in they will claim a lot of trans women aren’t trans women unless they are trutrans. Also, it may be those who insist that some are not actually trans because they say they don’t experience gender dysphoria or because they don’t want general surgery.
All of which are old, unsupported, and frankly regressive ideas.
That’s a good point. I haven’t browsed 4chan since way before they had any LGBT community/rep visible on it, I don’t know what kind of convoluted views they have. Let me guess, some of them unironcally identify as “agp” don’t they?
i have spent and still spend lots of time in these places and yes, they do. they desperately want to be hsts and hate themselves for being agp and not being trutrans enough. lots of reppers too (trans people that know they’re trans but repress it out of self hatred). there’s lots of lore
That’s really sad. It would also explain how she is relating her micropenis, via shame and self-hatred, to being trans.
oh no that greentext is just a meme, she didn’t call herself a gorillahon or talk about how she gets mogged by cissoids or how bonepilled she is.
Those are a lot of new words. I kind of want to ask, but I kind of don’t want to know
I wish people would explain the acronyms.
I really wanted to get into 4chan, but unfortunately the slider captchca annoyed the fuck out of me.
AGP = autogynophilia: the idea that a person is a trans woman due to a sexual interest in having a vagina
HSTS = Homosexual Transexual: the idea that a person is a trans woman due to being a homosexual male, in other words that they are transitioning in order to have sex with straight men
Trutrans sounds like it just means “valid” as in they will claim a lot of trans women aren’t trans women unless they are trutrans. Also, it may be those who insist that some are not actually trans because they say they don’t experience gender dysphoria or because they don’t want general surgery.
All of which are old, unsupported, and frankly regressive ideas.