Yeah, when people call MAGA a cult it’s not an exaggeration. These people are brainwashed to the core. They were parading around in diapers over a rumor that he might be incontinent! That’s not even remotely close to a normal reaction to unpleasant gossip. Normal would be simply dismissing it out of hand because at the end of the day there isn’t really any proof.
Even if it was true, I wouldn’t consider incontinence a disqualifier for public office. If it doesn’t impair their ability to genuinely consult experts, I don’t think physical issues should matter.
I’m worried it’s not.
When rumors started that he might be incontinent, his supporters started wearing diapers in solidarity. I don’t think anything will deter them.
Yeah, when people call MAGA a cult it’s not an exaggeration. These people are brainwashed to the core. They were parading around in diapers over a rumor that he might be incontinent! That’s not even remotely close to a normal reaction to unpleasant gossip. Normal would be simply dismissing it out of hand because at the end of the day there isn’t really any proof.
Even if it was true, I wouldn’t consider incontinence a disqualifier for public office. If it doesn’t impair their ability to genuinely consult experts, I don’t think physical issues should matter.
He has far worse problems.
Yeah, me too.