Saw this today, and … well, I’m not going to be so forgiving to people suggesting to vote Third Party rather than vote for Biden. If Trump wants me to do something, and you want me to do that same something, that tells me you’re aligned with Trump.

    6 months ago

    Skepticism runs really deep in the current political climate, and even if Biden changed his mind tomorrow and withdrew support, those voters are still going to distrust the motives behind it.

    I agree. If not for the apologists making excuses for Biden’s shitty policy positions (Any blue will do/ Trump is worse), we maybe could have gotten to him early enough to salvage this mess. But continuing to apologize for Biden’s shitty policies is continuing to damage his electoral chances. Its the only option we have at this point, barring a complete rebellion at the convention.

      4 months ago

      I think, in hindsight, I was very wrong about this.

      If months of pussyfooting around dropping support for the Israeli government in spite of public outcry and Democrat voters’ desires hasn’t done anything, maybe we’re not actually something that Biden cares about. I don’t think Israel holds that much value in military intelligence that it’s worth risking both tarnishing the United States’ global reputation and being hated by his own voter base over.

      Either he’s expecting to win, just by virtue of his opposition being worse, and doing what he wants because of it (which you pointed out), or he’s doing what his party was paid to do by lobbyists. It doesn’t make sense for someone who is supposed to be representing his voters to go through so much effort to avoid listening to them unless there are greater interests at play. Either way, something is very fucked up about this election cycle, and it’s going to have some nasty consequences for the future.

        4 months ago

        Hey thanks for bumping this and coming around.

        I’m giving the entire post/ thread a re-read, because boy, is it both damning and telling.