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I heard about this in the UK elections recently, and someone recommended it to me recently for the US elections, because I said I empathize with the people who are voting against Kamala because of the genocide, despite being a Kamala supporter myself (you’ve probably seen me around arguing as such lol).

Basically, it’s a system where people in safe states, like me, agree to trade votes with someone in a swing state. So the safe state person would vote with the heart of the person in the swing state, so they can kind of vote their heart and mind at the same time.

Is this a thing we could set up? Would it be legal to make a community for that, or would it rub against laws about affecting votes or something? There was even a whole site for the UK, but not sure if it would work in the US.

  • Nice! That links to this Vox article,

    That article has this brilliant gem in it,

    A Stein voter in Ohio who decides to trade her vote, for instance, will get matched with two Clinton supporters in safe states — both of whom will agree to vote for Stein in return for her one Ohio Clinton vote.

    So a swing state voter doesn’t even have to accept reduced voting power in this bargain. Instead, the swing state voter pairs with a pair of Dem voters in safe states, so their preferred third party candidate gets more votes overall than if they hadn’t swapped. This is quite the deal sweetener.

    • Oh, and to help convince the swing voter,

      "But I also want my party to get one vote closer to the 5 percent popular vote to try to help them get government funding for the next election from the presidential election fund.”

      Since funding is based on popular vote (I guess nationwide popular vote) it doesn’t matter on swing vs safe state, one vote counts as one no matter where from.

      So multiple people voting in safe states for the 3rd party gets them closer to funding than if the swing state voter voted for the 3rd party. So exchanging multiple safe state votes for a single swing state vote could really help that 3rd party out…

        5 months ago

        Wow… I read the headline and clicked through to see how illegal it was. I did not expect this. This is freaking brilliant.