Names blurred to protect the innocent / crazy. Not trying to call anyone out, just thought the response was hilarious and highly disproportionate. Like, they distinguished that comment (green border/background).
For reference, the comment I presume that was downvoted that apparently triggered that response was to the tune of “BoTH SiDEz!!!” with some hyper generalizing / stereotyping on the side.
Not sure their reaction deserves such derogatory terms.
I post in a few non-English communities. There was a time when posts would instantly get downvoted, most probably because people didn’t speak the language and did not know how to configure it in their settings. As a consequence, the content would usually get buried, when not completely vanish from the feeds (there was a bug at the time that wouldn’t show any post with 0 votes)
I can imagine what it would feel like if I were to have “controversial” stances, and where people would systematically downvote by content. That’s borderline harassment, and can frustrate quite fast.
As I said in another comment: if you don’t like a community, block it and move on. As long as content is not illegal or breaks any regulations, just let the people be. What is the point of purposely go to a community you have nothing to do with just to downvote stuff?
I can understand the reaction of the OP here.
On top of that, as Lemmy is so small that they got instantly identified, that makes things even worse.