I never understand why people love Mr Beast content. I never enjoyed it.
It’s reality TV for kids.
Everyone can blab about this for ages but you’ve put it so poetically and succinctly.
Most of his content is gameshows. Some people catch a serotonin high watching other people win money.
The way his content is structured and edited is like junk food for your brain. There’s a formula that appeals to the
leastlowest common denominator and he (his team) excels at it.The topics he picks usually hit some nerve of vicariousness (game shows contestants) or suspense from wanting to know what happens next (challenges and clickbait).
Kid got rich by streaming and shitposting. Ultimate hero for 14 year olds.
Fuck Mr. Beast, he literally preys on children by falsely framing his videos all as possibilities for them if they subscribe to the channel. He shills things like chocolate bars that are healthy to defeat obesity yet those same bars have twice the sugar than others like hershey bars. He gets kids to buy his shit on the guise of ‘oh maybe we’ll slip something in your order box! Maybe an iphone!!!’ and now you have kids stumbling over themselves to beg their parents to buy Mr. Beast merch / mr. beast burger / mr. beast feastables / etc.
He’s not a terrible person but this shit is gross, a lot of it is gambling-adjacent and the kids EAT IT THE FUCK UP. Yeah Mr. Beast is a businessman, but his business is manipulating children.
A) flashy, loud, snippy content that works on people with no attention span or who are easily amused like kids (and annoys everyone else)
And B) clickbait-type, over-the-top content and games that no one else does - the sorts of things that, even if not high-brow, are still interesting. For example, blowing up a Lambrogini appealing to the action-movie lizard-brain, or a giant game of hide and seek appealing to the sort of person who daydreams about how to survive a zombie apocalypse.
Basically, its the peak of broad-appeal, low-brow, high effort/production value media.
My 8 year old loves his videos. I don’t get it, but I’m an old man (57). I don’t understand a lot of what he likes.
You have (assuming another) kid at the age 49? Why do you hate money and relaxing and retirement? I’m sure you love your kid very much, but why?
I don’t watch him either, but the was some drama about him recently. I was sort of half wondering what it was about. Anyone got a quick explanation?
Supposedly, a lot of lying, staging, faking, possible fraud, generally shady and consciously exploitive behavior towards viewers, many of which are kids.
This is stuff I remember off the top of my head, according to 1 (one) half-watched video on the topic. In other words, I’m not exactly in the know.
His audience is mostly kids yes but not all of them.
His content can and is too annoying for a lot of people and that’s fine but it’s also entertaining to a lot of other people. I’m sure that you’ve had the situation where the most famous band, sport, food etc isn’t something you like. And that’s totally ok. It turns out we kind like different things. I’d argue it’s a good thing.
Also people severely underestimate him just because they don’t like his content or for some other reason. Pretty much every big YouTuber will agree that he is extremely good and optimizing the algorithm and that’s not an easy thing. If it were everyone would be doing it and the truth is that not a lot of people get close to his success.
Some of his videos are just for shits and giggles but a lot of them in does give a ton of money to people in need. Some people dislike that he does this for his channel and don’t like him for it. However the truth is that in the end he gave more money to people in need than everyone in this comment section combined.
I’m not a fan, but his philanthropy work is also popular. I only started to know him because of his project trees and not about his streaming
But supposedly the philanthropy is staged and the prizes are given to his friends.
I’m always suspicious of people who make a show of their philanthropy. It just makes it seem like they’re either exploiting people for their own gain, or they have something to hide and are trying to do so with philanthropic work.
Guy brought crypto-bros’ fake twitter/telegram giveaways scheme to youtube. Anybody with some knowledge of social media scams should have been suspicious. But his viewers were mostly kids and kids like flashy over the top content.
Anyone remember these on Xitter?
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With a bot farm driving engagement, there’d be 1000s of comments in few hours. Probably mostly fake but still a lot of suckers reeled in everyday.
I watch his content cause he and his team put actual effort into the crazy sets they build and it’s interesting to see some of the scenarios that only someone with a lot of money can pull off