“I will immediately bring prices down starting on Day 1,” he said on Aug. 15, for example. “Starting the day I take the oath of office, I will rapidly drive prices down,” he promised later that same month.
He backed away from that last month.
This is what Murca needs. More lies and long cons. Murca was lied to, and Krasnov only needed 1/3 of them to fall for it.
Krasnov pledges to bring prices down in panel 1. He has a bunch of MAGA voting for him in panel 2. In panel 3, he slaps tariffs on and off. In panel 4 we see him self-congratulatory while stonks go down brrrrrr.
This is what Murca needs. More lies and long cons. Murca was lied to, and Krasnov only needed 1/3 of them to fall for it.
MAGA supporter: “iT wAs NeVeR aBoUt tHe PriCe of EgGs. yOu’Re MiSsiNG tHe PoInT.”
They are the egg men.
“Hey, I need you all to calm down. I’m laying these as fast as I can.”
I mean, to be fair… stock prices are rapidly being driven down, so he was kinda right.
Nice! That would make a great cartoon!
Krasnov pledges to bring prices down in panel 1. He has a bunch of MAGA voting for him in panel 2. In panel 3, he slaps tariffs on and off. In panel 4 we see him self-congratulatory while stonks go down brrrrrr.