What has been described as “boss battle music for the enemies,” this heavy metal instrumental album features what is technically concept art for the video game but nonetheless matches for your eyes what the ensuing music is for your ears.
The development of the one after this one, for Doom Eternal, is a sad story and a good cautionary tale.
This is a remake of the original DOOM’s cover:Edit: Wait, my bad, this is the alt art that isn’t
It definitely looks inspired by that original art. Here’s the frame from the in-game end credits that is the remake of that art.
I believe the art in the original post is meant to be moments later, like the Slayer lifted the imp into the air in order to get the upper hand
Oh come now, it’s the cover are for the game not specifically made for the album
ackchually it wasn’t the official cover art for the game, it was an alternate printed on the back of the slip cover in the disc case.
This is the cover art displayed everywhere
Yeah but it was used for the album, so it’s both.
Good album. Good art. The full illustration is awesome.