The headline makes it sound like the doctor took “noodz” for fun… These are medical photos.
It’s like calling a urologists case files a treasure trove of dick-pics
If people are posting naked pictures of you, I don’t think whether or not they were in a medical context is the most critical aspect of the issue.
I’m not talking about how the victims should feel, i’m talking about journalistic integrity.
It never even occurred to me, reading the headline, that they were other than medical photos. If they had been nudes for fun, it would have been a much different headline I think emphasizing that aspect of it as an additional weird angle.
“Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon Takes Nudes of Patients, Loses Them To Hackers, Doesn’t Tell Patients, Gets Sued.” IDK, something like that, that acknowledges the additional unusual context of the nudes.
Counterpoint: then why emphasize “nude photos”, over e.g. the patients’ financial information?
This title is clearly leaning into the sensationalism.
Which has enormous ramifications, e.g. right-wingera world-wide right now have mostly stopped listening to traditional media sources, citing how untrustworthy it is.
In this case the info is at least correct just slanted, though in other cases it gets so slanted as to qualify actually for the word “biased” (even if it was an editorial decision purely for the title of a piece rather than the actual author).
On such events the decay and fall of entire
empiresdemocracies rests.Well, I need to step off of this soapbox I guess - whatever was going to happen has already done so, it would seem, so it may not matter anymore (except… shouldn’t others attempt to learn from these mistakes to avoid similar from continuing to happen again?).
Agreed. Medical data leak is medical data leak.
You could even say that a medical file showing someone transitioned might be just as damaging or dangerous as nude photos
In this case the info is at least correct just slanted, though in other cases it gets so slanted as to qualify actually for the word “biased” (even if it was an editorial decision purely for the title of a piece rather than the actual author).
What on earth are you talking about? People’s financial information gets stolen all the time. The nude photos, and the deliberate leaking of them the punish the doctor for not playing ball, is the “man bites dog” aspect here.
It’s a little sensationalized, but I think it’s actually a relevant story that touches on a few different important things in ways that help people figure out the world they now inhabit. Nothing about it is even in the slightest little way slanted or biased or lacking journalistic integrity. If one of the ever-dwindling pool of places still doing real news also wants to post a true and relevant story that’s a little titillating, I’m fine with that. I see 404 media more as the antidote to a lot of the systemic things you’re describing than anything on the problem side.