It’s the situation they claim it’s for, but no it isn’t. The second amendment is to have a militia ready to defend the nation in case of invasion. Militias were the norm at the time, not standing professional armies, which the newly founded tiny union of states certainly didn’t expect to have. That time came and went though and some people carried the corpse of the second amendment and turned it into something else that it clearly isn’t.
Of course! Isn’t this situation what the second amendment is for? 🤔
It’s the situation they claim it’s for, but no it isn’t. The second amendment is to have a militia ready to defend the nation in case of invasion. Militias were the norm at the time, not standing professional armies, which the newly founded tiny union of states certainly didn’t expect to have. That time came and went though and some people carried the corpse of the second amendment and turned it into something else that it clearly isn’t.