He deserves it
Political relevance be damned, anyway…
You can press SHIFT+F10 keys to open Command Prompt.
Execute OOBE\BYPASSNRO command then.
After this, setup will reboot the computer and after reboot, you’ll get a new option I don’t have Internet or Continue with limited setup to skip the Internet requirement.
I did this when installing Windows 11 for a friend, was also my first experience installing Windows 11 as well. Having to open a command line during the installation process really nullifies the “Windows easy” and “linux hard” stereotype.
Thats the thing, you dont HAVE to install without a MS account. That is your choice.
Most people don’t care and create an MS account anyway. And they don’t have to use any command line.
Also a single command line still does not compare to Linux.
Nothing is nullified
Ubuntu installer is like 4 clicks.
And it boots to a fully updated install if you connect to the network in the wizard, unlike Windows which might take as much as a full business day to update itself depending on the age of the install medium
Same for Linux Mint I guess
It’s not “your choice” if you have to hack the installer to do it, something 99.99% of people wouldn’t even understand if you tried to explain if to them.
Also a single command line does not compare to Linux
Outside of l33t h4kzors distros like Arch, Linux OS installers have not required any command line invocation for at least two decades. Just enter your username, wifi info, etc and click next until it’s done.
Don’t you need to create an X account just to look at posts on X?
For anyone reading this that has to install Windows, when you get to the point where it asks you to log into a Microsoft account, hit shift+F10, type oobe\bypassnro into the command prompt and after it reboots select “I don’t have an account”…
I would still maintain that Linux is a better option though.
So the “tech genius” doesn’t know how to install windows without a Microsoft account and doesn’t know how to Google it?
May I introduce the man who wants you to think he is a genius!
Thanks Elon for being so transparently incompetent.
The fact he’s too stupid to Google “do I have to use a Microsoft account to login to Windows 11” is astounding. People believe this guy engineers rockets, laughable.
Ctrl+F10 and oobe\bypassnro
As long as it’s not in S mode. Can’t run cmd in S mode.
Windows S sucks anyway, why would anyone use this?
Because it was really cheap and they didn’t know the difference is the usual reason I encounter.
Really, is it cheaper? I didn’t know that. But you can still bypass S Mode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUvBSt66Wpk
We know how this ends
- Elon complains
- Elon buys
- Elon destroys
Microsoft has a market cap of over 3 trillion.
Musk is crazy stupid rich times a million, but he’s an order of magnitude shy of being able to bully Microsoft with his wallet. With the resources of the US government, sure. but not his checkbook.
the world’s richest man, de facto president, head of the tech oligarchy, is complaining about corporations irritating him.
If only there was a sort of consumer protection bureau of some sort. To regulate these types of things…
Yes it’s just you. There is still a local account option in windows 11.
There are enough other things to hate Microsoft for but this is not one of them.
This guy is the definition of stupidity, Microsoft has many things to be hated on but this is not one of them. He is complaining just like the average Windows user
this is one of them.
Yeah this is absolutely one of them. Elon Musk is right in this case, although he’s still an idiot