
Donald Trump mocked Time magazine after its latest cover depicted Elon Musk sitting behind the Resolute Desk, questioning if the magazine was “still in business.”

While pretending indifference, the cover likely irritated him, as he was ecstatic just months ago when Time named him 2024 Person of the Year.

Speaking at the White House, Trump tried to dismiss the cover’s implications and praised Musk for uncovering “fraud and corruption.”

Despite his criticism, Trump has long craved Time’s approval, even displaying a fake cover of himself.

    1 month ago

    Thing is, fElon may be fucking with things that end up having the hard right come after him, and someone or several people that don’t know about, or really care, if something personal about donvict is released.

    He already has the racist wing pissed at him over the H1B thing - as usual, it’s not about any sort of populism; they don’t really care that much about American workers getting fucked, or the indentured servant aspect, or how this is just there to further enrich the already obscenely wealthy, they are more focused on having foreigners on our shores, and they don’t like it at all.

    Musk is willing to hold his nose about having non-whites here if it will make him more money and he can abuse American workers AND foreign workers at the same time - bonus!

    But yeah, other than just having a shit-ton of money, he seems to be doing nothing to really forge any lasting alliances…