Beyond what the article mentions (more people opting for retirement communities/assisted living/nursing homes), changing dating trends, better physical health for seniors, increasing divorce rates, etc., Id doubt there are that many other factors.
Did you have a rebuttal to the specific claims in this article, like chlamydia (plus gonorrhea, syphilis) tripling among seniors in the past decade? It certainly sounds like it’s increasing to me, but I’m not an expert on this
At times, I find “unbiased” sources painful in how they pull their punches. It can be refreshing to me to find sources that are willing to write to their audience.
FWIW, non-profit does not mean unbiased. Nor are they necessarily more accurate.
Yes, that is totally my point. /s
what in there indicates animosity?
Again, shit jokes are shit.
Everything in the article seems to point to an individual who was too comfortable making a shit joke about a community she had I graduated herself into
Idk, I think it’s probably just a really bad joke from a queer person of color. Doesn’t necessarily means she’s a bigot, just a little off
Richard Head
Now find a good nickname for “Richard”
Idk, I think 48 seconds is pretty accurate. She called out climate change denial, he denied his denial (insert rant about how terrible solar is, ending with “I love solar”)
“Most states” lol
It’s half funny and half fucked that you took the bait and repeated all the right wing talking points
All we have to do is make him president elect! We don’t even have to inaugurate him!
“Just pay for an ID and then go through the extra steps at the polls when your vote gets challenged!”
Non-Americans are ignorant of our system and show their naïveté when they try to comment on it
Borderline doesn’t go away like that. It’s often a lifelong struggle. It takes years of therapy to come back from. There’s not really a medication for it
I believe that includes discussing her fitness as well. They both went after each other on those issues, although I’d imagine like 3/4ths was about Trump’s fitness
Climate change 00:48
In other words, better than 00:00!
FWIW, this had “borderline” written all over it, even before you got to the part where he admitted his diagnoses. You know what you did, don’t let him put ideas in your head.
There are lots of great books on BPD out there. Don’t feel like you have to save him, that’s probably the guilt he wants you to feel. You should read up on managing borderline siblings, because that’s tough.
Check out Judith Butler’s Gender Trouble. One of the best books I’ve read on the subject
Well TIL what DINK means. As another DINK household (unless you count the dogs), I have literally never been judged or had a confrontation about this.
Sure, almost all of my friends have kids now, so the nature of our relationships have changed. But I don’t think it’s necessarily in a bad way.
There’s an alternate timeline where he wins and can’t get anything through because there aren’t enough progressive Dems in the senate.
Idk how that’s “too” progressive? It doesn’t even really make that much sense imo.
If there’s one idea that isn’t terrible, it’s a lower corporate tax rate for those who have domestic production, but that’s incredibly complicated to implement and would vary wildly by industry.