Kyrgyzstan has outlawed the all-covering Islamic niqab. Authorities insists the ban does not extend to the hijab, the Islamic headscarf that has long been outlawed in schools and offices in all other Central Asian countries.

    1 month ago

    Come to think of it, states have a lot more “thou shalts” and “thou shalt nots” than any religion I’ve ever heard about… 😁

    Some may want to wear it because they believe in its religious function, maybe because it’s just what they’re used to, maybe they are indoctrinated, but I’ve seen interviews with women who say they want to wear it for one reason or another. I’m with you in that as long as they aren’t coerced, they should do what pleases themselves.

    People make a lot of choices I wouldn’t make, but mostly it is their right to make them.