i don’t really see it but the indepedent agrees with “Houston-based appellate lawyer Raffi Melkonian called attention in a post on Bluesky” in thinking so

  • PhilipTheBucketA
    1 month ago

    Another 16 orders signed the first day of Trump’s term were “ripped straight from the pages” of the right-wing Heritage Foundation Project 2025 plan for the Trump administration, economist Robert Reich claimed in a post on X (Twitter). Trump said throughout his campaign that he knew nothing about Project 2025.

    Guys: You’re not wrong. But he’s sending his goons out to snatch people up, he’s let the leaders of insurrectionist militias back out of prison and made sure they’re welcome in DC. In 2017 it was news that he was a liar. I am being 100% serious when I say I don’t think you need to include that last sentence, at this point, anymore. Every so often, just say that he “lied” something instead of “said” it, just to remind people, if you want.

    Edit: Also:

    “Lots of reporting suggested that, this time around, Trump and his lawyers would avoid the sloppy legal work that plagued his first administration so they’d fare better in the courts,” Stern noted. “I see no evidence of that in this round of executive orders.”

    HE IS PLANNING TO FIRE OR EXECUTE JUDGES, BECAUSE THEY ARE POISONING THE BLOOD OF OUR NATION. His legal work is shoddy because he doesn’t plan for the words to mean a damn thing, in the end, and you should take that type of thinking a lot more seriously. It’s been working for him so far.

    It is easily possible that the people of the court system, federal judges, the people who are tasked with going to execute the judges when they disobey, and so on and so forth, will decide for themselves “Fuck that, I’m not doing that, this guy can go to hell.” I am not saying that because he plans to become America’s new God-king, and all who displease him will perish, that it’s going to happen. I am saying that you need to stop covering him as if it was 2017 and the rest of the system is definitely not going to go along with him. Like I said, it’s been working so far, and all your comforting illusions of inherent justice are doing, is lulling people along so they’ll be more likely to let it happen.