Why is any informational discourse regarding anything not strictly OSI-style open source immediately removed by moderators in this community? How can we expect people to educate themselves through censorship instead of public discussion? I’m looking for an open source licensing strategy for my own startup company and discussing the do’s, don’ts or even perception of different licenses and strategies seems highly important to the community to me. I could understand if it was actively promoting something ‘bad’ or wouldn’t mind having clear tags or disclaimers that underline what is or isn’t strictly OSI but it feels a bit too rigorous right now 😕

  • PhilipTheBucketA
    1 month ago

    I mean, having a big offtopic conversation (like this one is) is something that’s pretty legit for the mods to remove. I do understand why the digression about the-company-that-shall-not-be-named in the original keyboards thread was removed.

    For the mod to take an axe to the comments in the second post, where people are trying to figure out even what TCTSNBN was and what its deal was, saying that what the mod knows is all that everyone needs to know, and no one is allowed to say anything else, is I think not really something that can be solved with an explanation in the comments or the sidebar. It’s not a “detail of the rules” thing. It’s a “Do I have enough respect for you to just give an explanation, and trust that people will take it seriously or not according to their own determination? Or do I need to remove anyone with any kind of dissenting judgement and leave only my own judgement, because that’s the one that is correct, and people might be poisoned if they see the incorrect one which is propaganda?” type of thing.