It’s actually a little bit deeper than “they’re lying.” They’re inhabiting a space where if something FEELS true, then they go with it.
It feels true that the news is lying about all those Trump supporters storming the capitol. It feels true that all those Trump supporters needed to storm the capitol, because the election was stolen and it was 1776 and they were finally standing up for what’s right in this country God damn it. It feels true that no one who went in to the capitol even did anything except parade through inside the velvet ropes, and then they trumped up all these charges, because OUR side is decent people, and we would NEVER disrespect the American capitol. Unlike antifa, which wrecked the capitol and then all those good American patriots went to jail, which was horrible.
They’re been hopped up on all this nonsense, given to them every day with expert extremely strong emotional framing and groupthink triggers to make them think that everyone thinks that way, and it’s only rational and sensible and only weirdos and losers think some other way. If you haven’t talked with them in depth, it’s hard to really grasp how little critical thinking is involved or how little it matters that the whole thing is self-contradictory.
It’s not just that they don’t care if it’s true. They’re just operating on a different wavelength. In their world, the only truth that matters is that they’re the good guys, and you’re not, and they’re coming for you. And that part is true, and ultimately the only important aspect.
It’s actually a little bit deeper than “they’re lying.” They’re inhabiting a space where if something FEELS true, then they go with it.
It feels true that the news is lying about all those Trump supporters storming the capitol. It feels true that all those Trump supporters needed to storm the capitol, because the election was stolen and it was 1776 and they were finally standing up for what’s right in this country God damn it. It feels true that no one who went in to the capitol even did anything except parade through inside the velvet ropes, and then they trumped up all these charges, because OUR side is decent people, and we would NEVER disrespect the American capitol. Unlike antifa, which wrecked the capitol and then all those good American patriots went to jail, which was horrible.
They’re been hopped up on all this nonsense, given to them every day with expert extremely strong emotional framing and groupthink triggers to make them think that everyone thinks that way, and it’s only rational and sensible and only weirdos and losers think some other way. If you haven’t talked with them in depth, it’s hard to really grasp how little critical thinking is involved or how little it matters that the whole thing is self-contradictory.
It’s not just that they don’t care if it’s true. They’re just operating on a different wavelength. In their world, the only truth that matters is that they’re the good guys, and you’re not, and they’re coming for you. And that part is true, and ultimately the only important aspect.