Today I noticed a huge wall of spam from UniversalMonk from 2 different accounts and didn’t initially think much of it and blocked their communities but more spam came from different communities.
At this point I checked and saw that they had created several communities which then led me down the rabbit hole to discover that their posts had almost entirely covered the new posts page of both and Later on I discovered that they’re posting right-wing propaganda and misinformation from breitbart, foxnews you name it.
He’s already caused and stirred shit 2 months ago and clearly I can see why now.
At this point it’s difficult to believe that UniversalMonk will learn proper netiquette in: not post spamming, being considerate to others, and not sharing right-wing extremist content that no one wants.
I think UniversalMonk was a supporter of the PSL and claimed to have voted for Claudia De la Cruz.
You know, the woman who is FURIOUS that the US isn’t doing more to support Israel’s war in Gaza, and promised to rectify it and really give them the green light and finally get them all the weapons they need, if she won the presidency.(Edit: I was wrong about this. De la Cruz, as far as I can tell, opposes Israeli genocide and US support for it and supports Palestinian liberation.)
Like I say it blows my mind that he is still allowed anywhere on Lemmy. Not at all because I don’t think someone should be able to support the PSL, but because he is clearly lying for malicious reasons when he says that, among many other things.
When has Claudia De LA Cruz ever said that? As far as I know the PSL has been one of the main organizers for pro-palestinian protests in the US especially where I live along with the Palestinian youth movement. Claudia and her running partner usually at said protests. She is literally on canary mission a site used to try and silence anti-zionists. I know nothing about the person you and OP are talking about, but it seems you are just making stuff up about Claudia. If anything other than Jill Stein she was the ONLY pro-palestinian candidate(to my knowledge).
I think you are completely correct. What was I thinking of? I was sure that UM was supportive of some politician who was rabidly pro-Israel, but I thought he said he was voting for De la Cruz. You definitely seem to be right about De la Cruz being pro-Palestinian, though.
Edit: I did remember right, as far as UniversalMonk, but I was unfairly slandering Claudia De la Cruz for which I apologize. I randomly ran across it when reading the modlog just now. He voted, according to one of his deleted comments in the modlog, for the Socialist Worker’s Party, meaning Rachele Fruit.
That’s important enough to go on their overall “here’s what our candidate is about” page. It’s not a specific story about the war in Gaza.
There’s also this:
I can’t find the part where she was very upset about the United States not doing enough to support Israel in the war, but I thought I saw something about it. Anyway, she’s on Team Israel.
The important part about her that you seem to have missed, is that she isn’t a serious person/candidate, and not worth the time you wasted posting this.
I did, and continue to support de la Cruz and most of her socialist causes , but I voted socialist workers party.
I support and posted articles about both, so I understand the confusion. Thanks!