The Amount of Ads you see won’t change, just their relevance to you.
The Amount of Ads you see won’t change, just their relevance to you.
113 Years after the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire and not enough has changed for the better.
Id say quite a few Twilight Zone episodes had endings that were better than the mystery. But of course, there were just as many episodes where the opposite was true.
What you may not expect is that this is the film debut of Tupac and that Dan Akroyd plays a 102 year old man and also a giant baby.
Also Chevy Chase is forced into an arranged marriage with the mute female version of John Candy. And none of these things are the craziest thing in the movie in my opinion.
It might not even be so bad its good. Just really bizarre.
You’re close!
My conspiracy theory is that hes sitting on a mountain of Hillbilly Elegy DVDs and this is his plan to finally sell them all.
But yeah, he believes in whatever is making him money at any given point because hes simply 10 pounds of slime in a 5 pound sack.
You’re absolutely right. Everyone will be very worried and talk about the importance of security in the enterprise and yada yada yada until a cool new AI spreadsheet software comes out and everybody forgets to even check if their firewall is turned on.
But with that being said, if you have been looking for a good time to ask for cybersecuity funding at your org, see if you can’t lock down 5 years worth of budget while everyone is aware of the risk to their businesses.
You are correct that this is technically in code and would protect against shock hazards in a neutral error situation but you also get the opportunity for the outlet to pop during the day when nobody is home and the battery to die.
We had a situation in our old house where someone who was technically correct but didn’t think it through had a gfci outlet upstream of the refrigerator outlet. Thankfully it popped while someone was home and we got everything corrected before we lost everything in the fridge.
Relevant video about the problems with high capacity ssds.