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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023

  • To sum up: we recently got the awesome FTC instruction that noncompete agreements are disallowed in almost all cases.

    Noncompete agreements keep workers from being able to work in their trained field just because they previously worked somewhere else in that field and had to sign a paper to do so. They’re a tool used to harm worker power; traditionally for knowledge workers, but now it’s being used all over the place.

    The judge SC said, you can’t ban those. Noncompetes are cool and good. Fuck workers.

    EDIT: This was a 5th circuit judge, so not the USSC. A little below that level.

  • I’m pretty anti-AI but even I’ll cop to this one. ChatGPT is good at figuring out what you’re trying to describe. Know you need a particular networking concept? Describe it a bit to ChatGPT and ask for some concepts that are similar, and the thing you’re looking for will probably be in the list.

    Looking for a particular library that you assume must exist even though you’ve never seen it? ChatGPT can give you that.

    You’re on your own after that, but it can actually save you a bit of research time.

    The problem is this: it’s sure it has the answer 100% of the time, but about 30% of the time it gives you a list of nothing but wrong answers and you can go off in the wrong direction as a result.