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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • I never specified correctly read data.

    I don’t care weather they read it by microwave the tape and provide me a transcript of chef and dinner quest first reactions to it. Or if that ends up actually useful. But its interesting to know wether or not specific data is at all requestable.

    When it comes to things that are deemed public, all the information around it should be too, regardless of intend or use.

    In essence, everything is information, it would be a mistake to discriminate on perceived value because we never know what future science can accomplish or what specific aspiration someone may follow.

    Practical Example: While its reasonable that most people assume The text of the Declaration of Independence is what is important. That is not the case if you happen to do a historical study of hemp genetics and want to learn what strain of the plant was used for the declaration.

    An officia office should to my opinion put as much effort into being helpful against requests of both kind.

  • So its the citizen that has to go to court over it, shame.

    I still propose that in cases like the above tape we should try and request any information about it as possible.

    What are its exact dimensions?

    From what materials is the tape build? Can we get a description of its smell?

    Any text of markings on it or the box/closet it is stored in?

    What facility is the tape housed?

    Is there a record of who has previously seen or borrowed it?

    At some point someone may actually get something useful they can start tracking with.

  • If your talking about neurodivergence, i don’t think boss should assume ops needs a 1 on 1 class even if op is in fact on the spectrum.

    I would really struggle with such a thing, were still unique and i need text based information to understand as I cannot pay (actual) attention to a talking person, only fake it which is not useful.

    It would eventually burn me out.

    At my job i came forewards about my autism and as a result were able to have open conversations about what accommodations i do and do not need.

  • I understand the irony. But can we not pretend they blindly used an output or even generated a full page. It was a specific section to provide a technical definition of “what is a deepfake”.

    “I was really struggling with the technical aspects of how to define what a deepfake was. So I thought to myself, ‘Well, why not ask the subject matter expert (i do not agree with that wording, lol) , ChatGPT?’” Kolodin said.

    The legislator from Maricopa County said he “uploaded the draft of the bill that I was working on and said, you know, please, please put a subparagraph in with that definition, and it spit out a subparagraph of that definition.”

    “There’s also a robust process in the Legislature,” Kolodin continued. “If ChatGPT had effed up some of the language or did something that would have been harmful, I would have spotted it, one of the 10 stakeholder groups that worked on or looked at this bill, the ACLU would have spotted, the broadcasters association would have spotted it, it would have got brought out in committee testimony.”

    But Kolodin said that portion of the bill fared better than other parts that were written by humans. “In fact, the portion of the bill that ChatGPT wrote was probably one of the least amended portions,” he said.

    I do not agree on his statement that any mistakes made by ai could also be made by humans. The reasoning and errors in reasoning is quite different in my experience but the way chatgpt was used is absolutely fair.

  • NEET is is an economic label that means Not in Employment Education or Training. Its the group often looked down on as leeches in society but the term doesn’t consider the reasons or health of the person.

    The sister in the post appears much more like the Japanese shutins or hikikomori who isolate themselves from all social contact. Technically being a hikikomori is a choice but mental health and big pressure culture probably dont help.