Could be anything that communicates with serial. It could be human readable or not. It’s common to use a serial terminal emulator to debug.
Give the sore muscles a break until they’re not really sore anymore, it will save you future joint pain. A specific amount of time isn’t what is best, it’s the amount of time it takes to recover, however long that takes.
Don’t push past form failure either, once you can’t do the movement properly its time to go down to smaller weight or move on.
Ubuntu is fine. Drivers are annoying on all distros (nvidia updates for me mainly, I don’t update hardware often).
I have daily driven various distros and tested a lot since the 90s and I pay close attention to time spent on customizing and fixes, and ubuntu just isn’t worse than other distros. I make setup scripts and have custom dockerfiles for webtops.
I want to like nixos or whatever fork will prevail, but it’s more work than people want to admit. I personally don’t want to have to pay that much attention to my operating system. It’s why i ditched gentoo almost 20 years ago. I don’t want to lurk forums for fixes and tweaks. I also make sure hardware I buy doesn’t have glaring compatibility issues.
If Ubuntu rubs you the wrong way but you are fine with most of it, just use debian.