I dunno, maybe I just had crappy indexers but usenet was always more miss than hit for me. Maybe it’s superior to public torrents but private trackers are the gold standard.
I dunno, maybe I just had crappy indexers but usenet was always more miss than hit for me. Maybe it’s superior to public torrents but private trackers are the gold standard.
The way the first paragraph is written made me think this is a garbage AI article, but I guess it was a joke. I hate this future.
I’m with you, I’m having a blast, but I think the reactions are because of the idea that it would be a Skyrim type game and… It’s not really even trying to be that. Like you said, it’s an ARPG, the roleplaying is basically just dialogue and most of the game is really well done exploration and combat.
Ground level infrastructure meaning the ability to get people out to do anything from marching to rioting to picketing to canvassing to voting. The Civil Rights movement wouldn’t have gotten anywhere if it hadn’t actually mobilized people and thus made people aware of / afraid of organized resistance. The Black Panthers deserve a lot of credit as well for being the armed hard core of the movement.
We’d get a lot more of what we want peacefully if oligarchs were afraid we’d rally and fuck up their businesses bottom lines AND that they might get assassinated by radicals.
Sure, whatever. I just think the way shit is credited actually matters, e.g. “Run the Jewels” isn’t a Killer Mike album even though he’s on every track, just like “Kid A” isn’t a Thom Yorke album. Shobaleader One’s work is separate from Squarepusher even though it’s literally the same person.
Artists make subtle choices when crediting their work, but yeah it’s ultimately subjective so do you.
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I know you think it’s pedantic, it’s just that the artist determines what is his personal work and what isn’t. If you look up Aesop Rock’s discography, Malibu Ken isn’t on it, but Garbology is.
It’s different because MK is a duo, where Garbology is an Aesop album that basically feats. Blockhead on every track.
Malibu Ken isn’t an Aesop album it’s a Malibu Ken album. TOBACCO should not be underestimated and is great on his own too.
In my experience that’s a very appropriate boner.
I was sort of with you on the ocean stuff, swimming there isn’t really a substitute for a lifejacket, but swimming being for the privileged is a weird take.
If you don’t have access to a body of water for free, then public pools are usually cheaper than a movie ticket. You don’t need any equipment, all you need is one person that kinda half way knows how to swim and is willing to point you in the right direction.
My kid bought me a Back to the Future DeLorean for my birthday, about 2000 pieces.
Initially I thought it was kind of a mis-gift, something they would enjoy more than me since I hadn’t built a set since they were small and needed my help, but I made it a point to crack it open instead of letting it sit and it turned out to be quite enjoyable.
I organize with Drafthouse in Austin and they did the same here a week or two ago. Just blatant union busting in the guise of layoffs.
I wouldn’t do a mailing list these days, but as someone who spent the early part of my career interacting with devs that preferred this method, it’s actually pretty ergonomic by a 2005 standard. A message thread aware, text based email client that can turn messages into patches in a keystroke makes it actually pretty comparable to modern code review…
I think it’s hard for younger devs to get this because they’re used to email being stuck in a crappy, unthreaded browser interface or Outlook etc. (which are terrible for mailing lists) and most collaboration taking place in code review and chat platforms like Teams/Slack but for decades before these were feasible, email was the way…
In a certain way, it does feel close. We can’t figure out how to go faster than light, but we could theoretically get to a significant fraction of c and 20 years isn’t such a long time to plan for in terms of getting a probe there to start relaying messages that take 20 years to get back.
I mean, it’s the span of a career, but people could conceivably work on the launch and live to see it return data.
I default to piracy too, but I’m guessing you don’t listen to a lot of new music. The thing a music service offers isn’t just access, it’s discoverability. It didn’t replace my FLAC collection, it expanded it. What it replaced was listening to the radio to find new stuff.
For video I’m more with you. I’m happy to rely on word of mouth. Especially since the streaming services drop movies all the time and discriminate against watching in a browser. Getting a good rip means you can watch it anywhere, anytime, and not have to worry about it disappearing.
Ideally the FDA should not be swayed by business interests, but everything controlled by our government is. That said, you want the FDA to exist and protect us from bullshit snake oil products and keep corporations from lacing our food with cheap poisons and carcinogens.
Trump gutting the organization makes it go from “could do better” to “actively subverting its own purpose.”
As if the Democrats would do a damn thing. They had four fucking years to put nails in Trump’s coffin and couldn’t do anything for fear of their corporate masters being denied the same grifts.
Eh, 1% includes like 80 million people globally, they’re not all useless billionaires. There are probably a good number of them (likely towards the lower end of the spectrum) that actually work for a living and enough existing resources they’d have time to rework society.
The real question I have is how they’d be distributed. 1% globally or 1% per country/region. Both have advantages and disadvantages for survival.
The actual total in your own link was 5.2 million for executives. The 88 million is, again, the entire salary base just in 2021. Assuming they still had 700 employees (which is a current figure, not 3 years ago) that’s still about 120k apiece for everyone else.
I can’t tell if you’re just being disingenuous or you really can’t read your own sources…
Certain ones, like music trackers, can still be interviewed into. Once you get into an initial tracker and establish yourself, it becomes easier to find / get into new ones via forum invites. It’s a long road but barring a time machine it’s the easiest way.