Why would they give power and responsibility to the square shaped fack? Isn’t D.O.G.E. basically a pr firm? An advisory office with multiple teams to keep Elon and Vivek busy specifically so that they won’t do anything?
Why would they give power and responsibility to the square shaped fack? Isn’t D.O.G.E. basically a pr firm? An advisory office with multiple teams to keep Elon and Vivek busy specifically so that they won’t do anything?
This (too) is such a strangely American issue for some reason! In Hungary the police has way way way more power! You can be stopped, identified, searched and held up, even imprisoned any time for as long as they deem it necessary… And police have no body cameras! Yet, I have never even heard of any abuse
Its kinda like a taxi! The tunnel has drivers and teslas that will take from one end to the other, tho there is a video on YouTube that walking the distance is faster than the tunnel…
Do you really think that they would go after social media moderators? How would they even go about that? We are anonymous!
I think, emphasis on the think, it may be due to the ‘class war’ discussions! Ppl are getting radicalized for the better or worse…
Quantum physics is not logical, every other field of physics is! Shame that instead of logic we are taught fucking equations, as if we could look up logical conclusions like equations…