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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Trump wants him gone, because Republicans (not maga ones, but the ones that call themselves “independents”) are more likely to vote for him than anyone else the democratic party puts up.

    In the interview he is not a fast talker (he never was, he has a speech impediment since childhood) but what he is saying actually makes sense unlike the far guy.

    Even during the debate, while trump appears to talk smoothly, but if you actually listened and trying to understand what he said it was just rambling that was getting worse as the debate continued. He wasn’t even responding to questions asked.

    I know why he refused to do this interview as well, because he would have to answer questions and people could easily compare their responses.

    Yes, Biden isn’t young, but the fact that media pushing on him and ignoring obvious signs of dementia on Trump side tells me that this whole thing is astroturfed.

  • Sure, he is 3 years older than trump, but at last he is not afraid to rely on experts in his administration. Unlike the previous guy who fired everyone and decided to run the country by himself and got us into a pandemic that we had not experienced for 100 years.

    4 or of 5 biggest protests in US history happened during trump. We damaged our relationship with allies, NATO was on the brink of breaking.

    Everyone also talked about economy being great under trump, but after mid 2018 we started having crashes, and looked like might get recession. And in 2020 economy fell for obvious reasons.

  • The ruling doesn’t even allow unrelated trials to use evidence that might be from official presidential business. Trump just requested his conviction in NY to be overburdened based on this ruling. So how it would not protect criminal acts when you can see in your own eyes this being used to get away from criminal acts. The other trials are also in jeopardy.

    As for the “decision made by trials court” that is insignificant as SCOTUS can override them.

  • Sadly no. The way they turned it around was very clever.

    So they said that only official presidential business is immune, but were ambiguous what that actually means, so inevitably they made it so it would go through them to determine what is the official business.

    Second thing is that they picked up from their ass that Constitution also says that no official business can be used in any trial, even if it is unrelated. This not only jeopardizes all the indictments he had, it possibly will negate the New York trial.

    trump already submitted request to have it referred based on this SCOTUS ruling.

    This election might be the last free election we have. And even if trump loses it will still not be over.

    Please vote and make your friends and family vote. And not just for president but also for the Congress.

    Edit: I also recommend everyone a book “On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons From the Twentieth Century” (there’s also reading on YouTube) all the warning signs are present. The more people are aware what it is at stake the higher chance that this can be stopped.