it highlighted the potential for facial analysis to extend beyond physical attributes into behavior prediction.
bouba/kiki prison industrial complex
Only Bayes Can Judge Me
it highlighted the potential for facial analysis to extend beyond physical attributes into behavior prediction.
bouba/kiki prison industrial complex
Currently the comments section has one thread and you can probably guess what it’s about. (Hint: the post concludes something about the average SI pedophile)
Oh hey it’s a rehash of the pedosmile maddox post from a billion internet years ago.
hot take: My Immortal is more important than the Mona Lisa (good actually)
men will literally debate children’s tv instead of going to therapy
Holy shit fuck off back to reddit lmao.
It’s 2025, “My Immortal is bad” is a stale-ass take. Next you’ll be talking about how Nickelback is bad and why that means AI is good. Please at least be interesting
When you look at something made by a human, even if it doesn’t seem to have any conscious intention behind it, it has multitudes of context encoded within. Think of the cerulean top scene from the devil wears prada.
Robocontent, generated from static, lacks all of that context. If I look at it and interpret it as meaningful, it is that act alone that gives it meaning, not anything done to create it in the first place.
When it comes to robocontent, I ironically react like a robot from westworld. I look at it, but it doesn’t look like anything to me. It has no meaning. It’s just noise, a page of static.
I suspect robocontent fetishists look at all art as static. They don’t understand that there is intention behind art. They are fundamentally incompatible with human experience. They are disconnected and insensitive to the creative world, and that’s just sad.
On one hand: all of this stuff entering greater public awareness is vindicating, i.e. I knew about all this shit before so many others, I’m so cool
On the other hand: I want to stop being right about everything please, please just let things not become predictably worse
David Gborie! One of my fave podcasters and podcast guests. Adding this to the playlist
Google, killing one of its products because their executives make shit decisions? Unheard of.
Things musk aligns with: ✅
Things musk does not align with: ❌
Neutral: 😐
Uhh, hmm. Fuck
I guess now that USAID is being defunded and the government has turned off their anti-russia/china propaganda machine, private industry is taking over the US hegemony psyop game. Efficient!!!
/s /s /s I hate it all
If Paris Marx is the little domino that causes total collapse of US hegemony, I’ll join the patreon at the highest tier forever
Early covid (july 2020) interview:
charitable take: he has the good sense to not make any major claims about the pandemic, other than to speculate that it would worsen his go-to metric of “extreme poverty”, which is… fine, i guess.
neutral take: nothing extraordinarily damning other than his usual takes.
uncharitable: this is of course early pandemic, so maybe pinker hasn’t found the angle to sell his normal shit with.
Side note: does pinker ever wonder about why extreme poverty has been reduced? I can’t imagine he thinks it’s anything other than liberal democracy and US foreign interference, when the real answer is like, China, a country that Pinker definitely believes is counter to said liberal democracy and the US, continuing to develop economically. Basically i want to him to squirm as he tries and fails to resolve the cognitive dissonance.
I don’t keep this link on hand, I just google “pinker comic” and find it.
Pinker tries not to be a total caricature of himself challenge: profoundly impossible
specifically this caricature:
Has Klezra Ein ever used the term “useful idiot”?
With that voice? Rant all you like!