it’s over. Sweden’s a no-go zone. China won.
Perhaps we can invite the Chinese government into Sweden. After all, they know a thing or two about how to deal with Islamic extremism right?
it’s over. Sweden’s a no-go zone. China won.
Perhaps we can invite the Chinese government into Sweden. After all, they know a thing or two about how to deal with Islamic extremism right?
that’s a lotta syllabels
India vs Pakistan
not plausible, neither of them are that stupid
Afghanistan vs. Pakistan, or Iran, is infinitely more likely. Pashtun supremacists (yea the Taliban) are actually stupid af
You remember how the Tamil Tigers invaded Sri Lanka? Now imagine if they were doing that but to China. That’s basically what the Taliban is doing right now lol
(just to be clear, Tamils were actually fighting oppression, Pashtuns are not)
are they actually keeping track of who’s upvoting what?
obviously they’d bring their kids along they’ll figure something out, or their kids will kill each other down the line and make a new line of humans
I see your argument a lot from liberals, no offense, and it’s just big cope–the insanely rich are the best equipped to survive cataclysm, and will definitely have advance knowledge of it before it happens (at least past a certain threshold of importance)
Like if you just gave me a goat and a few potatoes I’d survive an apocalypse provided the temps and rainfall weren’t too fucked, and also provided there was noone else around me. That’s why they’re buying up New Zealand, or all this rural land in the middle of nowhere. They will survive.
These scenarios are identical in my opinion. They’ll likely dwindle and die in a short time anyway. The wealthy are not particularly well suited to rebuilding society
No they won’t lol
As for “rebuilding society”, they’d eventually get there after some generations. Nothing humans built or invented was particularly difficult to do, it was inequality/lack of resources/lack of necessity holding people back at every step
South Korea’s defense budget is $47 billion and rising, they wanna increase it to $59 billion by 2028
whenever I see westoids say to use X amount, I always divide by 4, or 7
I’m going to wake up tomorrow and Elon Musk will still be alive
good night!
You’re pathetic. You want confirmation that everyone else is also to make yourself feel better. It’s typical neoliberal nonsense.
nah they’re right
noone’s minecrafting elon musk
honkeys before 2010 probably thought that’s a drink or something
and also after 2010
i just realized she’s not white but she’s liberal so close enough