I’m still on the trusting-the-banks: I have a lot of money in the largest banks in the US, and if they fail, we’re all fucked: if BoA and Chase and Citibank collapse, we’re all going to back to growing our own food on family plots and you’ll want a donkey and 10 acres more than anything else.
To that end, I’m spending a lot of money on what amounts to chickens, seeds, canned/preserved food, and bullets.
I mean, I may not need 5 years of seeds, and what’s close to a year’s worth of not-great-but-not-starving food stores, and enough ammo to clear out the 100 acre woods, buuuuut if you do need it, better you have it.
I have no idea, tbh.
I went to try to test, but it turns out I don’t know ANYONE with a landline phone anymore, so uh, I can’t.