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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • I am beginning to wonder if the person who keeps spamming this board with vapid third party posts and then refusing to ever engage in genuine non-adversarial discussion about them is deliberately trying to sour everyone here on third parties.

    Like, a few months ago no one cared. Now though, EVERYONE is well armed with facts and opinionated as hell.

    It’s probably the Streisand effect though! And it’s great to see.

  • I was one of those people. It seemed incredibly stupid to me.

    I thought we’d fracture, and infighting would eat up our next three months. I thought it would squander our remaining chances. I thought the same people who didn’t want Biden also didn’t want Kamala, and I didn’t know of anyone else.

    I thought it would open us up to litigation, and because I don’t trust our judicial branch, I thought that would let Republicans strangle a candidate in courts. Most importantly, I thought Republicans actually had a plan and a strategy.

    I was very wrong and it doesn’t bother me at all to admit it. In fact, I’m relieved.

  • That’s just more words, not more substance. You’re doing here exactly what AOC is calling out: giving a vague description of the surface of what you think will happen in a best case scenario with no tactical or even strategic consideration for first mitigating the chaos the basic act will create.

    The problem isn’t that you need to come up with the play by play, the problem is that no one has. It’s literally the worst kind of plan: no plan at all.

    It’s about the dumbest possible move, really, and it’s telling that the only motivation behind it is that he’s old.

    Throw out the incumbent advantage, throw out all current strategies months before the election, hand wave away the candidate slate as objectively better with minimal examination, expose us to huge legal vulnerability against the most litigious party I’ve ever seen, who currently seems to have captured the judicial branch, in the highest stakes election I’ve seen so far, and do it all without any inkling of a play by play to create unity and mitigate doubt or even a hint of an acknowledgment of the problems that the move would cause in the best case scenario?


  • Because it’s a huge undertaking and there are different times for ballot eligibility in every one of the 50 states. When do you think the candidate would be chosen? This week? Ready in the wings already and on the ballots?

    These bureaucracies move at such a slow pace there was legitimate concern that BIDEN wouldn’t be on the ballot in time because the DNC wasn’t moving quick enough. That was months ago.

    Furthermore there’s the wheels of public opinion and moving those in lockstep with the speed it would take to create an alternative is something that takes so long that candidates often begin campaigning the year before the primaries.

    There is no other candidate and this is not a personal take but a logistical one. It’s too late.

  • Actually pointless. Like, not a figure of speech. It’s too late to legally position a new candidate. It would be challenged. The Heritage foundation is already priming legal challenges, and who was that who owned the courts, again?

    Let’s imagine that he does step down. How would everyone agree on where to vote next? What’s the process to get them in the running again? What’s your guess on the timeline to do that unassailably vs serious legal opponents?

    I wonder what I would do if I were running a campaign for a felon and I needed to make it happen no matter what. I don’t have a good candidate but I do have propaganda networks and I do own judges everywhere, and my opposition has a hard time agreeing with each other, and they crumple apart like tissue paper on basic purity tests, and their candidate is old and has a stutter- his only seeming drawbacks that play to the media.

    I wonder what I could do to improve my position and involve my only remaining power assets.