how is buying drugs reducing their suffering?
how is buying drugs reducing their suffering?
And never open your front door for any reason. If the cops or anyone else really needed you that bad, they’d be busting the door down anyway and you’re already fucked six ways to Sunday.
Also cameras. Lots of them. Different brands. Offline recording. INSIDE AND OUT. Ask me how I know.
I’ll take stories like this over the usual stuff any day.
F-Droid not being trusted. They build and sign a developer’s code on their behalf, so there is a chance for injection there.
There are reproducible builds, but I would argue it’s not taken seriously enough. Like right now nobody is publicly verifying Signal’s supposed reproducible Android builds and they’ve historically had problems keeping it working.
Also how most (or all?) Play Store apps (including FOSS) contain proprietary code.
I assumed the topic was more about online privacy.
You can use your own builds of Signal (or preferably Molly-FOSS) including a self-hosted server. You can bring your own push notification as well.
Yes which is why other countries were notified first so they didn’t retaliate automatically. A lot more discussion goes on behind closed doors than most people realize.
If the people pirating weren’t going to buy the product in the first place, are they even hurting anyone?
To be fair there’s lots of power-tripping mods on lemmy as well, often using their colorful interpretations of subjective rules/terms to suppress opinions they don’t like.
I will go one step further and say 1. most strong opinions are not based on deep knowledge, and 2. a lot of this drama is legitimate mental illness… a niche of a niche that by design is run by extremely paranoid people, often aren’t all there in the head, or you could say they have simply crossed over the fine line of genius.
better direction for what?
All services do eventually shut down, possibly moreso for higher privacy services, you might just disagree on when.
Doesn’t work for me:
Maybe it only works for some people.
it’s not a bug and it’s still not possible, it’s for tracking who created the account of course.
Maybe, but if anything bad happens to originate from that number, the port history is still visible and now they have a suspect.
any carrier within range can still potentially track you, maybe not with airplane mode but Snowden says don’t trust that
GPS still “works” without any signal, service or net access
AGPS mandate forces 911 calls to reveal your location
For max privacy without going completely analog you’d want a device with NO cellular radio at all
tor isn’t email or phone
deleted by creator
No. Have you seen people?