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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 4th, 2024


  • Germany already paid them a lot

    Bereits erbrachte Zahlungen

    Die von der Bundesregierung finanzierte Stiftung Polnisch-Deutsche Aussöhnung in Warschau zahlte seit ihrer Gründung 1992 zunächst 500 Millionen DM an polnische NS-Opfer aus, später folgten Zahlungen in Höhe von fast zwei Milliarden DM an noch lebende ehemalige Zwangsarbeiter.

    Germany already paid 500 million DM to polish NS-victims and later nearly two billion DM to polish concentration camp survivors. (1992+)

    They also got huge areas in the east of Germany (20% of Germany) and the German population was removed.

    1957 Poland signed a treaty to stop reparation payments from West and East Germany.

  • “They don’t like us and they think we’re stupid”

    Ah, trump has discovered US-americans’ stereotype in many countries (that has already existed for decades at least).

    Backwards politics and worse education will only strengthen that stereotype. The way to change that are progressive politics and huge investments in education.

    Anyway that really is a mess for both. I get that the republicans sent Trump again since he got a fascism-like personal cult, but why did the democrats send Biden?

    Can they still change their candidate?

    Anyway this is a perfect example to show why a democracy should have more than two parties.

  • At the time it was annexed (after ww1) it was about 99% German, 1% Ladinian and 0% Italian (obviously, since it never was affiliated with Italy), so they had to try really hard to change that. To do that, they created Italian names for all places (ironically English-speaking people typically use the Italian names nowadays that haven’t even existed before), made the native language illegal, made the native culture partly illegal, taught alternative history in school (saying it always was that way and it just was a missing part of Italy despite having been Tyrol for over a thousand years), deporting the native population to Germany, etc. Fascism doing fascism things.

    After Italian fascism ended in 1945 it got better, but it took until the 70s for South Tyrol to gain autonomy in most regards and for the native population to gain back their rights. And that also only happened because of a lot of protesting (going as far as blowing things up).

    The result of all: Still >70% German, a few % Ladinian, rest Italian. But it would’ve been different if they hadn’t had as much support (from North Tyrol for example) and if it wasn’t mountainous (that really helps with doing things secretly that have been made illegal.

    Now that less and less people still are here who have experienced fascist oppression it’s our task to ensure that it isn’t forgotten, forgetting fascism’s crimes is the first step towards the return of fascism. Right-wing populist parties are becoming stronger again all over Europe right now, and a few of them have been downplaying fascist crimes already - which wouldn’t even be possible if everyone was well informed.

    (Btw it already was a widely controversial topic back then - on one side the UK had promised Italy that they’d get South Tyrol (among other areas, some that they also got and some that they didn’t get because of mainly USA’s concerns) if they joined their side in the war, on the other the USA for example saw the problems that’d be coming with annexing a culturally and historically 100% different region (and trying to replace the native culture) and was firmly against it)